Chapter 65: Water Logged

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The Falcon was on the other end of the bridge as the bomb went off. Before that... D1 watched the drama unfold outside, keeping the ship ready in case of a hasty departure. She had no audio, but the interaction was interesting...up until the bomb went off.

Maxion—who'd been snooping around the ship, ran up to the cockpit as he felt the earthquake beneath his feet. "What's going on?!"

"Strap in right now! I do not have time to initiate the prelaunch protocols; brace for impact!" D1 warned as she magnetized herself to the deck.

Maxion scrambled to the nearest chair. He barely had time to get into a safety harness before the Falcon's landing pad collapsed underneath it. Maxion tried to control his breathing as the ship was flooded in darkness. It swayed from side to side like an old age row boat in rough seas, as roaring waves and powerful currents threatened to break up the ship. Every piece of debris from the explosion crashed against the water and generated a powerful shockwave.

"Hold on." D1 tried to reassure, "Just hold on." She continued, actually sounding organically scared, but she tried to reassure Maxion, "It will be alright."

And it was, the waters calmed.

Maxion rose from the floor; his half-buckled harness was not able to protect him from turbulence; he held onto his head as he gained his bearings.  

Once the terror subsided, D1 went to work. She demagnetized and drove to the pilot station immediately. She brought the main power online, and the entire cockpit lit up like Christmas tree lights. "Main power enabled." D1 quickly reported, "We must find our crew. Act as my co-pilot, please."

"Right!" Maxion nodded, his attention turned to the switch panel in front of him, "'s been a while." He chuckled anxiously. 

D1 continued reading the displays. Their reports did not inspire confidence. "The engines are waterlogged; we do not have time to let them drain. Quickly, blow the cabin oxygen out through the main thrusters." D1 directed, pointing her grasper at the console.

"G...Got it." Maxion shakily responded, resisting the urge to scratch his head at the control panel. He flipped multiple switches until he heard a big clunk. "I...thinkkk that did it?" Maxion shrugged.

"Initiating main engine restart!" D1 threw the switches she needed to throw. The boosters powered up with a slight hum. "Engines up," D1 reported. She desperately pushed the throttle forward, and the water parted as the Falcon pushed out of the ocean.

Maxion was pinned to his seat. "Oh, Kyr...I'm gonna be sick..." Maxion huffed...Omeocoons had no stomach, so it would've been a miracle if he threw up now. At the very least, it would have been a disgraceful act against Mother Nature.

The ship was flying again, D1 engaged the searchlights, and they circled the ocean. "It will take forever to find them. We must input a search pattern." D1 confirmed, rolling over to the nav console and beginning to input the parameters. There was a good chance their friends did not survive the blast. She prayed otherwise. 

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