Part 11 - Celebrations

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Disclaimer, mention of sexy time (not graphic)

After an evening of piecing together testimonies with data from forensics to close several detective cases, Lucy was ready to go home and crash. As she was getting up to leave, Angela asked "Going home?"

"I am, I'm so tired" Lucy responded.

"Welllll, I'm afraid I can't let you do that." Angela remarked, a grin spreading across her face. "As you seem to have forgotten, you got a golden ticket this morning, and that needs to be celebrated! So we're taking you out to dinner. Juarez organised it and told everyone. We're going to that fancy Thai place, so get ready and we'll be on our way, boo." 

"Aww, really? You guys didn't have to do that! Who's coming?"

"Me & Wesley, Celina & Aaron, Nyla & James, Nolan & Bailey, Grey & Luna, Tamara, and... Tim. I'm sorry, I hope that's okay, we just didn't want to leave him out as we were all going, and I'm sure he's just as proud of you as we all are. He agreed to come and didn't hesitate, so that's something."

"Uh- okay, yeah I'm sure it'll be fine, that's so sweet of you guys to do something like this for me; usually I'm the one planning celebrations for other people, not the other way around." Lucy replied with a big smile, and headed into the locker room to get ready.

While getting changed, she remembered she was wearing the sling and she would most likely get asked about it at dinner; she wanted to keep dinner about the golden ticket, not her spectacular failure today. So, she gingerly removed the sling and placed it in her locker, carefully got changed into a black and pink short sleeved blouse, conscious not to disturb the huge wound dressing on her upper arm, some navy blue bell-bottom jeans and a brown leather jacket. She made a mental note to be careful with her arm tonight. She applied a fresh layer of makeup to her face, as well as some pink lip gloss, took her wavy hair down out of its bun and was ready to go. She met Angela in the parking lot out front, who declared that she would be driving her, as Lucy wasn't able to drive just yet. She had forgotten about that and agreed, then climbed into the passenger seat. 

When the two arrived at the restaurant, everyone else was already there. They stood up and made their way over to Lucy, congratulating her. She hugged Nyla, Wesley, Celina, Aaron and Luna, then sat down. She tried not to wince from the pain of the hugs, but it was extremely sore. The whole table ordered, and started talking about the incident which led Lucy to receive her golden ticket. Bailey took the floor, and absolutely sung her praises to the entire group, recounting how much of a fearless badass she was, taking on both Oscar and Jason by herself. Bailey was such an animated storyteller, so she had the entire group's full attention for the duration of her speech, except Tim's. He was staring at Lucy's expression, watching her reactions. She wasn't a huge fan of being the centre of attention, but she did really appreciate being recognised for her work. The conversation soon turned to what Lucy would be doing with her golden ticket, and it came as a surprise to no one when she announced she wanted to fast-track becoming a detective, so she was in a better position to take on more undercover assignments.  They all raised a toast to Lucy, and continued conversations about various different cases and things they had encountered during the day, leaving out the most obvious one. An hour or two passed, they ate their food and were waiting on dessert, Lucy was a couple of tequilas deep as she was trying to numb the pain of her arm a little bit, Luna was a bit tipsy as well, giggling at everything Wade said. Lucy started to feel quite hot, from the hot food she had eaten and the alcohol; her cheeks were flushed pink from the central heating she had going on and she decided, without thinking, to take her jacket off. Luna was the first to notice. "Lucy, what happened to your arm? I had no idea you were in the hospital today, or did you go to a different one?" suddenly everyone fell silent and all eyes were on her. A deep wave of regret hit her as she realised what she had done, and she knew she needed to come clean. She looked at Angela, not knowing what to say, and Angela took the hint and explained for her.

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