allah swt said "call upon me, i will respond to you" (40:60)
so what's stopping us?
why are we still seeking everyone but allah?why do we keep making dua as our last option? as if it's worth nothing and it's our last ditch effort
we need to understand that everyone can leave but allah won'teveryone will get annoyed when you keep asking them for things but allah will only love you more when you seek him, so why do we still follow the people that are annoyed by us? the people that want us gone? when allah swt is there for us always
when allah says "call upon me, i will respond to you" why do we still not call?dua is very important and no dua goes unanswered, wether it'll be answered right now, in the future, or on the day of judgment, no dua goes to waste so let's stop wasting our time and start making dua for everything.
islamic thoughts
Spiritualalsalamu alaykum :) some "ted talks" by me about islam just stuff i think about and believe (hope) could be of benefit in sha allah instagram: @/firdous_dreamer *cover page from pinterest*