Chapter 19 Adrian's Counseling Office

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Adrian makes it to work late.
Secretary: Good morning, Ms. Adrian; you're walking in a little late.
Adrian: Yes, I know; I had a hangover from last night.
Secretary: I know how those hangovers feel. It leaves you with a bad headache as well.
Adrian: Yeah, it does. Do I have any appointments today? No, you haven't had any appointments today. You do have one scheduled for tomorrow at 10:00 am with Malone Henry.
Adrian: Wait! What did you say her last name was?
Secretary: Her last name is Henry.
Adrian: Okay, thanks.
Secretary: Is there something wrong?
Adrian: No, the last name is just familiar to me.
Secretary: You have a Triton Henry that came by once. Maybe that's his wife.
Adrian walked into her office and had an evil smile on her face

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