Chapter 22

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~Why not listen to music while you read?~

"Something that makes you and strong and hard to kill should be really great, right? Sure, so long as you don't mind the side effects."

The smile never left his face, but I could see a spark of anger in his eyes.

He was worried for Sanan, wasn't he.

At long last morning came. One by one the captains returned to the common room, tired and bleary eyed from their long night.

It was Inoue's entrance that broke the silence. "He seems to have made it through the hardest part."

The room breathed a silent sigh of relief.

"He's still asleep. Looks pretty peaceful..."

"So has Sanan gone crazy?" Nagakura asked cutting to the chase.

Inoue simply shook his head. "We don't know for sure until he wakes up, but he looks just like he always has."

That was when the door slid open.

"Good morning everyone." It was Itou. And the tension that relaxed at Inoue's entrance pulled tight once again.

"My my... You all look rather glum. Something to do with last night's excitement, I presume?"

"Uh... No, um..." Kondou stuttered, struggling to find the right words. 

Then Saito spoke. "As you suspect. Deputy Commander Itou, there was an incident yesterday here at our headquarters. We did not wish to trouble you with such matters just yet, Deputy Commander. If you wish, I would be happy to provide you with a more detailed report this afternoon."

"Oh my..."

Itou's eyes narrowed as he slowly scanned the room, a mischievous smile playing about his lips.

"Very well. I comprehend your situation, I shall look forward to receiving the details this afternoon."

With another strange smile, Itou stood, nodded slightly and left the room.

"Feels like he let it slide this time... Maybe he just liked how Saito handled it."

"We shouldn't have let him see all of us together." Hijikata said with frustration.

"The only man missing was Sanan. It won't take Itou long to realize something's happened to him."

I had looked up just in time to see Sanan shuffle through the door. His face was pale, but apart from that he looked much better like he always had.

"Sanan!... Are you sure you should be up and about?" Inoue asked with concern for his friend.

Sanan's only response was a sad small smile. "I'm only a little tired. A side effect of my new...condition, I suppose. Those who've taken the thing often find that working in the daylight hours is especially taxing."

That means, the liquid in that vial was working. Sanan was already transformed.

"I am no longer a human being."

He smiled.

"Who cares what you are- you're alive! That's good enough for me!" 

I could see the beginning of tears well up in Kondou's eyes, but the rest of the men were more reserved. They were happy to see their comrade alive, but what had his resurrection cost him?

"So...your arm's better, I'm guessing.?"

"I haven't fully recovered yet, so I would withhold any final judgement but..."

He lifted his left arm, the arm that the day before he had hung limp at his side, and flexed his hand.

"...It seems to have been healed. At the very least, it is no longer a hindrance."

I couldn't say that I was happy. It was great that he had regained the use of his arm once again but what it cost him, was it really worth it?

"You can't go out in the sun though, right? Will you still be able to fight with us?"

If sunlight drained one's energy, then living a normal life would be difficult enough, never mind fighting alongside the Shinsengumi.

"Best you simply say I died."

I get it now! I always thought that Sanan had commit honorable suicide. But actually, he was still alive!...but as this...

"From now on, I will serve in the Corps, to remain them, and us, that success s possible."

"What? Have you lost your mind?! Do you know what you are saying?!" Nagakura exclaimed wide eyed.

"Of course I do. Do you, Nagakura? The shogun ordered us to keep this thing a secret."

Nagakura fell silent.

"If I, ah, die, the shogun's secret remains so."

Leaving no room for argument, he continued. "Besides, if the side effects can be managed, or even removed, then what reason do we have not to use it?"

"We were given this task by the shogun himself..."

Sanan's suggestion might have not been pleasant, but it was logical. The drug was dangerous, yes,  but if it could be refined; the side effects removed...It would be a powerful too. A powerful weapon.

"...I suppose this is our only choice."

And with Kondou's word, it was decided.

"Well this is what you asked for, Sanan. Make sure you don't screw it up."

"This means moving to a new location isn't something we can put off any longer. If we are going to hide Sanan from Itou and his men, then we need more space. This space won't cut it." 

Saito nodded. "If we intend to begin research again, the a move is urgent."

With Sanan's fate decided, they turned to a discussion of where they might make their new head quarters.

Were they going to kill me? I am not useful to them unlike Chizuru. They could dispose of me any time now for discovering their secret. What am I going to do?

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