Chapter 26

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~Why not listen to music while you read?~

"I...I don't understand... A demon...? What do you mean? And why are you here for..., you must be joking!" Chizuru cried.

"You're after us?"

"...How can you ask what a demon is? Perhaps you're the one joking here. After all, both of you are one, just like us."

He stepped forward, the shadows following him like a cloak. When Amagiri spoke, it was calm and peaceful, as if he were trying to reason with a frightened child.

"Do you injuries heal quickly? Too quickly, perhaps?"


"Do you heal from injuries faster than any human could?"

I did...I always had, but my late parents always told me not to reveal to anyone...

Chizuru and I, dumbfounded, did not say a thing.

"What the hell? Maybe it'll be quicker if we just give them a demonstration."

A demonstration?

"Enough Shiranui. I don't care if they admit it or not we're here for a reason, and that hasn't changed.

His eyes then dropped to the sword on Chizuru's waist.

"Her family name is a demon's and she carries the Demon of the East's kodachi. That is evidence enough."

His eyes then turned to me.

"And you, you also hold a demon's family name, a name that is almost non-existent."

I didn't understand what he was saying, but that didn't stop the cold sweat that I could feel inching down my spine. It felt almost as though the darkness itself was coming for me.

"Then, again, it isn't as though we need your permission to kidnap you. Female demons have become scarce. Now, come with me..."

Then, out of nowhere, a blade flickered through the night.

"Whoa there, pal. Tryin' to pick up chicks in a back alley? That's not creepy at all."

"...You again? The culture and the nose of a dog, I see."

"One could say the same of you."

Sword and spear glinted in the moonlight, and Kazama stepped back, momentarily stymied.

"Harada! Saito!"

A strong, sinewy hand then pulled us back, it's grip hard as steel.

"Stay back."


"Hnn. I figured you were here for the shogun's head. What do you want from kids?"

"I've little interest in you or the shogun at the moment. A matter at hand concerns only we demons."


His eyes narrowed.

"Heh... Haven't seen these punks since Hamaguri..."

 As Harada drew his spear back to a ready position, I saw Shiranui's hand move toward the gun on his hip.

"True, though I feel little at this reunion."

Saito's hand tightened around his sword, and Amagiri's feet shifted into a stronger stance.

Tension hung in the air so thick I could scarcely breathe. They were a powder keg, ready to explode. Even the slightest movement could be enough to set them off.

While in my thought someone  spoke.

"Don't worry about the commander and the captains."

"Yamazaki? When did you...?"

He'd appeared as silently and invisibly as if he had been a shadow himself.

"I've been ordered to return you two to headquarters."

"Then, you're telling us to run away? ...No, I wish to stay here.

Yamazaki's brow twitched momentarily in surprise.

"You don't understand. what do you hope to accomplish by remaining here?"

"I know that staying here might not be the smartest idea. And I know that I can not help. In fact, I might even get in the way. But I have to. I'm sorry."

In agreement Chizuru nodded. They had called us demons and told us to come with them. I still didn't know what they meant by that. I needed to know the truth.

"You have a reason to stay then, and conviction. I can admire that. Unfortunately, I have my orders. Just as you remain true to what you believe is right, so must I."


Yamazaki and behind him, Shimada reached for us, ready to take us with them by force. They had nearly reached us when I felt a bolt of light race up my spine. I spun around to see Shiranui; his hand wrapped tight around the grip of his pistol, and his eyes aflame with the heat of a blacksmith's forge.

"Hold on there, buddy. The princesses say they want to stay, so they stay. You outta learn when to let a girl go!"


With his last word, Shiranui launched himself toward us, just as Harada leaped to intercept him.

"*Sigh* There are times when quick decisions are important, but Shiranui's short temper can be...problematic."

"Perhaps, but you seem uninterested in stopping him."

Saito and Amagiri had maneuvered nearly into striking distance of one another.

"Dammit! What the hell are you dong?!"

The brewing fight had gone from a brawl, to a set of three duels. Hijikata threw Chizuru and I an angry look before turning to glare a Kazama.

Chizuru the wrapped her fingers around the haft of her kodachi, and looked at Kazama. 

"What are you doing Chizuru?!"

"Get out of her, you idiots! He'll tear you apart! Yamazaki, keep them out of this!"

Hijikata edged sideways, putting himself more firmly between Kazama and us. The other man glared at him, his mouth thinning into a tight line.

"Desperate peasants. I suppose you take some joy from impeding us?"

"Says the pot to the kettle. That reminds me... I haven't paid you back for the man you killed at Hamaguri, have I?

Kazama had killed one of the Shinsengumi's member's while on the way to Mount Ten'nou.

"Hmph. You wish to kill me, and put my body as an offering on the grave of the man you lost?"

Two more steps, and they would be within the reach of  one another's blades.

"Don't be an idiot. I'd rather send you to apologize to him in person."

One more step...

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