Chapter 73

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~Why  not listen to music while you read?~

The following night.

"Saito!" I had just returned to camp after going out to look for firewood when I saw Saito writhing in pain.

"Ungh...! Gaaah..." His hand was clutched to his chest so tight that his fingernails had dug into his skin, drawing blood;

"Saito, have some blood, okay?"

He frowned and turned his head away Ignoring him, I slid my sword across my neck just like I had done before. The sight of blood overcame his reservation and he reached to pull me close. I shivered as his tongue touched my neck and started to lap up blood. He continued until his breathing began to ease. I made to move away, relieved that he was feeling better, but his grip tightened. He whispered into my ear..."Can we stay like this...just a little longer?"

My heart melted. "Of course" I snuggled deeper in his arms and smiled.

The following day we departed for Shirakawa Castle along with the few warriors who had chosen to go with Saito We were clearly at a disadvantage but somehow, I wasn't scared. Saito too, looked refreshed. As if he had finally conquered some inner demon.

We reached the castle later that night, but the moment we arrived, it was clear something was wrong.

"...That's odd... I don't sense anyone here." Saito looked at our surroundings, eyes narrowed.

The Aizu had told us that the Imperial Army had sent their men into the castle to secure it but the castle and the surrounding area was strangely quiet and completely devoid of any human life. We were still waiting for the men we sent out as scouts to return when we heard sounds of movement from nearby.

Saito's eyes narrowed and his right hand dropped to his scabbard. "Stay behind me, Haruna."

"Okay."  I can fight too... I may not be as good as you but I can, I thought as I ducked around Saito's back and peered out at the area the noise had come from. He scanned the bush intently, his ears alert for even the slightest sound.

"...It's not an animal. Those are human footsteps. I think...two, perhaps three. If they were our men on their way back, they would have let us know. He touched his left hand to the hilt of hiss word just as the footsteps came near enough for me to hear. There was a flash of silver and Saito's blade leaped from it's sheath.

"Hngh!" The mysterious enemy ha sensed us as well and had drawn their sword in time to block Saito's attack. At that moment. the clouds obscuring the moon drew back and in front of us stood...

"Dammit! Guess there's a couple badasses in the Imperial Army after-?! Saito?!"

"Nagakura?!" I exclaimed.

Saito's eyebrows rose and he stepped back to sheathe his sword. "Shinpachi... What are you doing here?"

"Hey, I could ask you the same thing! And damn man, watch where you swing that thing! You're gonna cut someone's eye out!"

"Nagakura, what are you doing here?" I asked this time.

"Huh? Oh, well, we-"

"Hey, Shinpachi, who the hell are you talking to?" That voice... "Whoa, Saito?! What're you doing here?"

"You're here too, Harada?" My excitement was getting bigger until Saito's stoic voice brought me back to reality.

"...I think you had better explain."

"Not much to explain. Sano and I came to Aizu to fight the Imperial Army but... Well, remember the new rasetsus we found in Koufu? We saw a couple of 'em just running around out here so we decided to see what they were up to."

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