Chapter 46

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~Why not listen to music while you read~

The Guardians of the Imperial Tomb were no fools. It was plain that whatever they deal they'd had with the Satsuma was no longer in place. Both the Shinsengumi and the Guard were only moments from attacking when Amagiri's voice echoed across the street.

"You are outnumbered. I cannot advise standing against us and as I have a proposition for the Shinsengumi."


"Give us Yukimura Chizuru. If you do, I will allow you to leave unharmed."

What kind of deal is that? It seems that I wasn't the only one who disagreed because on of the Satsuma vassals spoke up.

"What?! Listen here Amagiri, you're not in charge of this operation! You cant trade members of the Shinsengumin for-"

"I think perhaps you misunderstand. I will follow the orders of the domain to the extent that I am able but they are not paramount."


"Anybody else? If you can live through the first bullet,we might listen to what you have to say."

He glanced down at the corpse that had dared to challenged him, then waved his pistol in the direction of the Satsuma men and laughed. To Shiranui, there were no enemies or allies. What happened to the Shiranui clan?

"Alright, now we won't have anymore rude interruptions. What is your answer?"

"Well, you heard the man, Sano. What do you want to do?"

"You really gotta ask? These guys are pretty pathetic. Even Heisuke's lame jokes are better than this."

Harada and Nagakura grinned at one another in a manner that could only be described as "rougish." Perhaps it was only my imagination but I thought they smiled at a moment at Heisuke as well.

"Ha ha ha ha! Oh, I love it when you guys get all tough like that! Think you can beat all these men though?"

At the motion of Shiranui, the Satsuma rushed forward , a solid wave of men and swords that tumbled over the Shinsengumi and the guard alike. I could see Heisuke's hesitate, his sword moving slowly and more cautiously that I knew it should. Who was his enemy, he must be wondering. The Shinsengumi? The Satsuma? The Guard? This is getting bad, even they can't fight off all of those men. I took a deep breath and threw myself into the melee.

"Haruna?!" Nagakura's face was full of shock upon seeing my appearance. I couldn't blame him. I wouldn't expect myself to be here either.

"Let's talk later, I'll help."


I made my way to Chizuru who was inching closer to Heisuke. I blocked the attacks from both Guard and Satsuma to get to her.

"Haruna?! What are you doing here?!"

"No time to talk right now. Look ahead of you. I'll cover for you."


Chizuru and I made our way to Heisuke without much trouble in a few minutes. Now Chizuru could convince him.

"Chizuru?! Haruna? What are you doing here, you idiots?! You're going to get yourselves killed!"

The moment he said those words, a swarm of men came toward us. Chizuru got behind Heisuke and I as we blocked the attacks from the men.

"When did you learn how to use a sword?!"

"I don't think right now is the time to explain. Chizuru needs to tell you something."

I motioned  Chizuru to talk to him before continuing to defend ourselves, being careful not to harm any of them.

"Heisuke, I need to tell you something... You need to come back to the Shinsengumi. Everyone misses you..."

Heisuke, you need to listen. You need to.

"I miss you Heisuke! I want you to come back. Please!"

"I... I can't go back. Not now... I did what I did because I thought Itou would be better for the country than...well, better. That's what brought me here, and..."

"Do you still believe that?"

"I don't know. But when he said he would have Sakamoto killed and then make it look like Sano did it, it felt wrong. But then the Shinsengumi just kills him in the street? That can't be right either... I guess I was wrong to choose a path that was just about following someone else... Lately, I keep thinking about the time I spent with the Shinsengumi."

"I...I think about you a lot too. I'm sure I'm not the only one either."

"That so..."

The clatter of sword on sword filled the air as the battle raged around us. I swatted away another attack as they were talking.

"I'd like to go, I would, but if I g back to the Shinsengumi, I don't know what I'm supposed to fight for anymore."

"What do you mean?"

"What are you doing, Toudou?! That kid's Shinsengumi! Kill him!"

Another member of the Guard leapted at them from the side, his sword diving towards Chizuru. Dammit! I won't make it-!


Heisuke spun and drove the hilt of his sword into the man's stomach.


"Heisuke...? You saved me..."

He stared at his hands in shock, then let his eyes fall to the man doubled over on the ground. When he spoke, his voice was only barely above a whisper.

"...Sorry, but I'm a pretty sad excuse for a Guardian. I followed him into this mess for... I dunno. I guess I thought I had a reason."

More of the Guard began to inch toward us and Heisuke's grip on his sword tightened.

"But I've had enough of politics and ideals and all that crap. Loyalism...nationalism... None of that matters anymore."

His voice grew stronger as his hesitation withered and fell away.

"I don't care if I have to fight 100 men or 1,000 demons... No matter what. I'll be there for you! Any bastard that thinks he can come after you will have to get through me first, because you're what I'm fighting for!"

Was that just a confession right now? I didn't know at the time because of the fighting but it was definitely one. For Chizuru.

He walked up to me and smiled. "Let's do this, Haruna." 

And with that final, he brought his sword up to face his next foe.

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