Chapter 37

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~Why not listen to music while you read?~

"...I'm afraid I cannot divulge in that information."

Sanan's gaze slid to Itou for a moment, but he said nothing further. After all what could he possibly say? How could one admit they they had been creating inhumane monsters in secret out of one's own soldiers? Itou's composure remained at last, he leveled a glare at Sanan.

"I was told that Sanan had passed away and with no reason to doubt that information I believed it was true. I see now that you have all conspired against me. I am the Deputy Commander of the Shinsengumi! To do all of...this without informing me... I dearly hope you have a satisfactory explanation!"

"If all you're gonna do is bitch, why don't you do us all a favor and shut up?"

"What?! How dare you speak to me in such a manner! Hijikata, you-!"

"Calm down now, Itou... I'm sure Toshi didn't mean to snap. We're just all a little on edge right now. You have to understand..."

"Oh, I understand alright! I understand that you are savages, each and every one of you! I cannot abide the company of such uncivilized cretins any longer! And as for you, Sanan, when you are finished here I expect to hear why you are not, in fact, deceased and why this was hidden from me!"


"Are you listening to me Sanan?!"



Suddenly I realized he wasn't being dismissive of Itou; there was something very wrong with him. His face was twisted with pain and he didn't seeme to respond at all, no matter how much we shouted his name.

"What's wrong, Sanan?"

"Chizuru! Haruna,!Get back!"


His hair had begun to turn white. By the time I realized what was happening, it was too late. Sanan's hand shot out like an angry snake, and closed around my wrist.


The strength of his grip was unbelievable. His fingers might have been made of stone for all I could  move them. I could almost feel the bones of my arm begin to bend under the strain.


"Blood...this blood..."

His finger pressed against my arm , too hard, wiping off some of the blood from the cut the soldier had given me.

"Please, give me blood. Your blood..."

"Uh... No! Let me go!"

"Stop it, Sanan!"

"Dammit! The smell of blood is driving him crazy!"

"Let her go, Sanan!"

Each man still had his sword on his sword, but I could see the hesitation in there eyes. It was Hijikat who finally spoke.

"Hold him down! We're gonna have to get a little rough."

"Dammit! Guess we don't have a choice."

"Sorry about this, Sanan."

"I can't let you hurt, anyone."

They moved into a circle around Sanan, their blades glinting.

"Are you going to kill Sanan?! I can't allow you to do that!"

"Itou, it's dangerous here. We should leave this to Toshi and the guys. Come on."

"Kondou? What are you-?! Unhand me!"

Kondou pulled a struggling Itou from the room and off down the hall.

"Good. Now we've just gotta take care of him."

"It's not gonna be easy."

"Sanan's always been pretty strong and now he's...well, you know."

"Eh he he heh... Blood, yes.... My body, it needs the blood..."

His tongue flickered out to lick my blood from his fingers.

"Alright, that's enough! C'mon Shin! Sano! Let's go!"

"We all attack together-!"


"What? We don't have all night, Hijikata."

"He's...he's doing something..."


"Sanan...? What's going on?"

"Unn...guh... What...what happened?"

The madness was gone from Sanan's eyes and is hair was quickly fading back to it's normal color.


"Suzumori? What am I doing here...?"

"Oh, thank goodness! You're yourself again!"

I was relieved to see they hadn't been forced to cut Sanan down, but... Why had he returned to normal?

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