"What are you doing here? This is private property you know." Said Eli. "Shut up brat! We're here to kick your asses for ruining our lives , just like we did the mayors!" Said Slim. Henry had heard the commotion from downstairs so he came down from his room and was horrified when he seen who was at the door. "What are they doing here?" Asked Henry. "They're trying to pick a fight! This is just what I need in order to unlock my powers!" Said Eli with excitement. Cole sighed. Henry ran over to Sam who was on the ground. "Are you okay?" He asked. Sam picked himself up off of the ground. "Yeah , for some reason that didn't hurt as much as I thought it would." Said Sam. Then suddenly none of the boys were able to control their bodies as Jim used his ability to control people to line them up. "Alright , let's see...who deserves a beating first?" Asked Slim. Tim looked at Sam confused. "How are you all better? You were covered in bruises earlier." Said Tim. "You hit like a bitch that's why." Teased Sam. Tim grew mad and punched Sam in the stomach. "I think we have our winner." Said Slim. Jim used his power to send Cole , Eli and Henry flying backward and left Sam standing there. "So you think Tim hits like a bitch huh? Well let's see what you think about my punches." Said Slim as he turned his body into metal and then punched Sam in the jaw. Sam wiped the blood from his mouth. "You're definitely stronger than Tim but that still barely hurt. I'm actually glad you're here. Earlier in the hospital I was thinking about how I wanted to beat the shit out of you all." Said Sam. Slim threw another punch but Sam caught it and then suddenly Slim's whole arm began to freeze. Everyone including Sam was confused. "I guess I have the same powers as Aries then." He said. He then punched Slim so hard that he went flying through the front door and landed on the front yard. "Wait , I don't get it so I'm strong like Tim too?" Asked a Confused Sam. "Don't you hit my father like that! Shouted Tim as he came charging at Sam. Sam quickly turned around and shot a blast of lightning at Tim which knocked him backward. "Holy shit Sam! How many powers do you have?!" Asked an Amazed Eli. Sam looked at his hands confused. "I don't know." He said suddenly he was once again unable to move as Jim used his power against him again. Tim and Slim got back up and came charging again toward Sam. Cole immediately stood in front of Sam to defend him but was knocked aside by Slim. Henry then teleported in front of Sam. He then shrieked in fear at the sight of Slim and grabbed Sam and teleported away. Eli was left behind and so they soon turned their attention on him. "Alright here it goes! This is where my powers activate!" Said Eli. He placed his hand in front of him. "Alright , whatever you are come out!" He called out. Everyone in the room just looked at him confused. "Don't be an idiot Eli , get out of here and call Dad!" Shouted Cole as he came charging at Tim and pushed him aside. Eli reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone but once again Jim took control of him and then made Eli toss his phone. "You guys keep forgetting about me." Said Jim. Eli grew angry. He wanted nothing more than to kick Jim's ass. He looked at a nearby chair and thought about hitting Jim in the back of the head with it. Suddenly the chair lifted on its own and then smacked right into Jim which freed Eli from him control. "Cole! I did it! I activated my powers!!" Shouted Eli as he jumped up and down. "That's great! Now a little less celebrating and a little more calling Dad!" Shouted Cole as he engaged in a fist fight with Tim. Cole was super strong as well so he was able to match Tim's strength. He then blasted Tim again with another blast of lightning.
Meanwhile Henry had succeeded in teleporting Sam away from the fight by teleporting them upstairs to the bedroom. "Henry what the hell?! I was just about to kick their asses!" Shouted Sam. "You were in trouble so I just wanted to save you." Said Henry with a sad tone. Sam began to feel bad so he pat Henry on the head. "You're right. Thanks little brother. Now we have to go back out there and help the others. "Guys! I did it! I unlocked my powers!" Shouted Eli as he came charging into the room. "Great , now you two stay here while I go downstairs to held Cole." Said Sam. Eli nodded and continued to brag to Henry about his powers activating. Sam jumped over the staircase and landed next to where Jim was getting up from. Sam grabbed Jim by his shirt. "I'm sick of that annoying ass ability of yours." Said Sam. He then punched Jim multiple times in the face until he was out cold. He then dragged him outside and threw him. Slim and Tim seen what Sam had did to Jim and it angered them. "Sam!" Called out Cole. "I thought you could use a hand." Said Sam. Cole smiled and nodded. "Have you figured out what exactly your powers are?" Asked Cole. "You remember how Dad said he can copy
Peoples powers? What if I can do the same thing? But instead of one , I can hold on to many?" Said Sam. "That would explain how you were able to use so many different powers at once. Let's combine our lightning and finish these guys off." Said Cole. Sam nodded. Cole began charging lightning into his hands while Sam watched him do it and tried doing the same. Cole shot out a powerful blast of lightning while Sam shot out a strong blast of ice which hit both Slim and Tim directly and knocked them out. "You were supposed to use lightning , not ice show off." Said Cole. "I meant to use lightning but I guess I still have a ways to go before I can fully control my powers." Said Sam. Both brothers looked around and barely noticed that people had been watching the fight and they started to clap. Sam and Cole looked at each other and smiled. "Slim!! Tim!!!" Shouted a voice coming from the left. Sam recognized her as Tim's mom Kim. "Honestly you guys are making a full of yourselves! We came here to wipe these brats out and you need to do just that." Said Kim as she placed her hands on both Slim and Tim's chests and began to super charge them. "Hey , what are you doing lady?!" Called out Sam. "I have the power to super charge the abilities of anyone I touch for half an hour. I only gave them a small jolt at first because I didn't think they'd need much to talk you out but I see now I have to give them
Maximum charges!" Said Kim. Slim and Tim's eyes flew open and they stood up. "Thanks honey." Said Slim. "I guess that's explains how I was able to knock him out easier at school compared to now. I thought I had gotten weaker." Said Cole. "I'll take on Slim , I'll leave Tim to you!" Said Sam as he ran ahead. "Wait! We should work together!" Shouted Cole. Sam came charging in at Slim and then threw a punch but the moment his fist collided with Slim's chest his whole wrist broke. Sam let out a loud scream of pain. "My super strength is gone?! Shit , I need to hurry up and learn how to control these powers." Thought Sam. Slim grabbed Sam by the leg and began slamming him on the ground over and over again. "Sam!" Shouted Cole as he came running towards Sam's direction. Cole was then tackled by Tim. "Nope , I'm your opponent." He said. Sam's body felt so badly broken that he felt he could die at any moment. His demonic energy wasn't working because of the stupid seal on his arm. "Alright time to end this , good bye kid!" Shouted Slim as he spun Sam around a threw him toward the house. Before Sam hit the house , he was caught by someone. He looked and seen it was Aries. "Aries...OUCH!" Shouted Sam as he began to feel all of the pain from his wounds. "Sam , you're gonna be okay! I'll help Cole fight these guys!" Said Aries. "No! Neither of you can take them.....they're too strong. Aries you're going to have to undo my seal. With my demonic energy I can heal and then kick both of their asses." Said Sam. Aries looked at Sam surprised that he knew about his demonic energy. "Did you always know that you were a demon?" Asked Aries. "No....i barely found out a couple hours ago....now please....undo it...im..." Sam wasn't able to speak anymore , he was losing consciousness. Aries quickly placed his finger on Sam's seal and undone it and in an instant , Sam's body began to regenerate. "Hey , what's that black aura?!" Shouted Slim. Cole and Tim also turned their attention to Sam. Sam could feel it , the power and it was way more intense than he thought it would be. He then turned his attention to Slim. "I owe you an ass whooping." Said Sam. Slim looked at Sam confused. Sam took one step forward and then in an instant he appeared under Slim and uppercutted him right in the jaw. Slim was sent flying so high into the sky that he never came back down. "Dad!!!" Shouted Tim. Sam then turned his attention on Tim. "I haven't forgotten about you." He said as he held out his hand and shot him with a very powerful blast of lightning. Tim was knocked out instantly. Cole was relieved as he dropped to the ground. "Wow , I was worried there for a second Sam. Tim was tough." Said Cole. Sam then turned his attention to Cole. "You...you were always Dads favorite. I'm getting rid of you too." Said Sam as he held his hand out and directed it toward Cole.Aries and Cole looked at Sam Sam confused as he shot a blast of lightning toward Cole. Cole's body turned into a lightning bolt and then he dodged the attack instantly. "Hey , what are you doing Sam?!" Shouted Cole. Sam grew even angrier and then he took a step forward and in an instant he appeared right in front of Cole. Cole tried to escape but Sam grabbed him by the throat and began choking the light out of him. "S...S...Sam...you're killing.....me..." Cole struggled to say as he could feel the life being choked out of him. Aries charged at Sam and punched him in the face but it didn't do anything. Sam then turned his attention to Aries. "What? You're in love with him now?" He asked as he grabbed Aries by the throat as well. "Sam...stop it....i don't want to hurt you." Said Aries. Sam laughed. "Like someone as weak as you could. That punch you threw earlier was nearly your full strength and it didn't even phase me." He said. Aries grabbed hold of Sam's arm and began to freeze it. The ice began to burn Sam so he let go of them both. Aries ran over to Cole. "Are you okay?" He asked. "Barely. What the hells wrong with Sam? He's angrier than usual." Said Cole. "I think it's his demonic energy. After we left the hospital , I went home and looked through my mom's files and I came across Sam's. Sam's demonic energy is 10x greater than that of any demon she's ever came across and said he alone had enough power to wipe out the entire continent if he wanted just by relying on his demonic energy alone. The curse mark that she put on him was the most powerful one she could do but even that wasn't strong enough to fully suppress his power. I'm guessing since he can't handle the power yet , it's controlling him by feeding off of his emotions." Said Aries. "How were you able to hurt him?" Asked Cole. " I have Demon Hunters blood in me which is poison to demons because it's the blood of angels. Whenever I use my ice ability it's infused with angelic energy." Said Aries. Sam looked at Cole and Aries and began walking toward them but then suddenly he began to have flashbacks of both of them
In his mind and he began to scream as he tried regaining control of his body. "Cole!" Shouted Eli who along with Henry came running outside to Cole. "What's happening with Sam? We sensed some really strong power so we came to see if you guys needed help." Said Eli. "Sam can't control his demon powers. We have to figure out how to pin him down so Aries can place another curse mark on him." Said Cole. "I'm afraid it isn't that easy. I can't put the same curse on him as my mother did because it's one only she can do. The curse I can put on him will only seal away half of his power." Said Aries. "It's better than nothing so let's do it. Henry , teleport Aries to Sam." Said Cole. Henry gulped and then did as his older brother instructed. Aries appeared in front of Sam and placed his hand on Sam's left shoulder. Sam noticed Aries and looked up at him with tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry." Said Aries as he placed the seal on him. Sam then passed out cold. Cole walked over to Sam and examined him to make sure he was out and then he picked him up and carried him inside and laid him on the couch. "Are we crazy strong like Sam is?" Asked Eli. Cole and Aries looked at him with their eyebrows raised. "What? He may of been scary but it was kind of cool." Said Eli. "No , I read you and Henry's files and you're both average demon energy level." Said Aries. "So in other words , we're weak....got it." Said Eli disappointed. "If that's how I'd be if I had that kind of power then I'll gladly stay weak." Said Henry. "Cole! Henry! Eli!" I shouted as I ran through the front of the house. "Dad!" Shouted both Eli and Henry as they ran to me and hugged me. "Are all of you okay?!" I asked. "Yeah for the most part. I don't know about Sam though." Said Eli. I walked over to Sam and examined his demonic energy. About half of it has been sealed away but unless Sam learned fast how to control it , even that won't be enough. I then looked over at Aries. "This was your doing right? Is this the most powerful seal you can place on him?" I asked. "Yeah , unfortunately when it comes to
Seals and curse marks it's not my strong suit. I was even shocked that I was unable to do Sams. I'm sorry , this was all my fault." Said Aries. I walked over to Aries and hugged him. "It's okay , you did what you did because you thought it'd save him right? I probably would have done the same thing. We're going to find a way to fix this and I think the first step is to teach Sam on how to control his demonic energy." I said.

The Tamarians
General Fiction15 years after escaping an island where he and his friends were imprisoned and experimented on , Travis is now trying to live an ordinary life while raising his Four sons. However , his past comes back to haunt him as the formula that he was used as...