When Sam had woken up he found himself in his room. He immediately started having flashbacks of what had happened before he passed out and he jumped out of bed and ran downstairs. There he found me along with his brothers sitting downstairs eating breakfast. "Dad....everyone...I'm...." Sam began but Cole interrupted him. "It's okay. It's not your fault you aren't in control of your power. I have to admit that you're super over powered." Said Cole. "What about Aries??! Is he okay?!" Asked Sam. "Hes fine , he left here a little while ago." I said. Sam let out a sigh of relief. "Look Sam , that demonic energy you have in you is far more powerful than I had imagined. We have to teach you how to control it immediately. As a matter of fact , I'm going to teach all of you how to use your powers." I said. Eli looked at me with excitement. "Really?! Awesome! Next time our house is attacked I'm going to throw hundreds of chairs at the enemy using my chair throwing ability!" Eli declared with confidence. I couldn't help but smile. Eli reminded me a lot of me when I was a kid. "I feel like my power is completely useless when it comes to fighting." Said Henry a bit disappointed. "That's not true , you saved me back there yesterday. You probably have the most useful ability here." Said Sam. Henry gave Sam a shy smile. "Hurry up and finish your meals , after that go and change into some gym clothes. We've got training to do." I said. They all quickly ate their meals and then changed into their gym clothes like I instructed. When everyone was dressed and ready I placed my hand on Henry's shoulder and copied his power. "Alright everyone hold hands." I said. We gathered in a circle and held each others hands as I teleported us away. We arrived in a place I hadn't been to in a long time , The Island. "Dad , where are we?" Asked Cole as he looked around. "This is the island where I was held prisoner. It's abandoned now so we can train here without anyone spotting us." I said. "Alright , before we move to the demon abilities , we should focus on your regular abilities first. Henry we'll start with you." I said. Henry gulped and then stepped forward. "You seem to have a good handle on using your ability but what's important is that you learn to use that ability in combat." I said. I walked over to Eli and copied his Telekinesis. "I'm going to throw these rocks at you and I want you to try dodging them all by teleporting as quickly as you can." I said. Henry and the boys looked at me shocked. "B-but what if I'm not fast enough?? The rock will hurt me won't it??" Asked a fearful Henry. "Don't worry , I had Aries undo the curse mark on you and Eli so even if you do get hit your body should be able to heal itself by now." I said. Henry looked down at his hand. Ever since he had woken up this morning his body had felt a bit different and now he knew why. I used telekinesis to lift up a nearby rock and threw it at Henry. The rock came so fast that Henry didn't even have time to think but thankfully I managed to stop it in time before the rock could make contact with him. Henry dropped to the ground scared for his life. I let out a sigh and then walked over to him. "Henry , I love you very much but you have to stop being scared and be more confident in yourself. You have to be able to focus fast so you can activate your ability fast enough. One day you're going to come across enemies that are so fast that you will barely even have time to think , so you'll have to learn to activate your ability on instinct." I said. Henry looked at the ground and began to cry. I gently lifted his chin with my hand and smiled at him. "I know you can do this Henry. I believe in you." I said. Henry then began to feel a warm feeling side of him. "Yeah Henry! Remember you saved me from the pitbull a second before it was about to jump onto me! This should be a piece of cake to you!" Shouted Eli. Sam and Cole also were looking at Henry with a confident smile. Henry then realized that the warm feeling that he was feeling was probably the love from his family. He stood back up and all of his fear suddenly disappeared. "I'm ready." He said. I nodded and then threw a rock at him fast. Right when it was about to hit him , Henry managed to teleport right next to Eli. Eli looked next to him and seen Henry and then he hugged him and cheered. "Good job Henry!!" Said Cole as he pat him on the head. "I did it!" Cheered Henry. I couldn't help but smile. I was proud of Henry.

The Tamarians
General Fiction15 years after escaping an island where he and his friends were imprisoned and experimented on , Travis is now trying to live an ordinary life while raising his Four sons. However , his past comes back to haunt him as the formula that he was used as...