Chapter 6

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  I teleported Henry and I to Amsterdam which was in The Netherlands. Henry looked around amazed at how different it was there compared to back home. "Dad , what are we doing here?" Asked Henry. "I'm here to borrow the power from a friend. She's the only one who has an ability that I can use to help Sam." I said. We walked up to a beautifully decorated house and I knocked on the door. The door opened and there stood a beautiful woman with long brown hair and light green eyes who appeared to be in her early 30's. "Hello Anna Marie." I said with a smile. Anna Marie looked at me with wide eyes and then reached and hugged me. "Travis! Oh my gosh it's been years!" She said. She then looked down at me. "Is this your son?" She asked. "Yeah , this is my youngest son Henry." I said with a smile. Henry felt a bit nervous at first but the woman gave off friendly vibes so he smiled and said hello. She then opened the door and allowed us in. There was a girl who was about Henry's age sitting in the living room. "That's my eldest daughter Hannah. I have another daughter named Sanna who's out with Wesley." Said Anna Marie. Henry looked at Hannah and to him she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. She looked at him and walked up to him which made him shy. "Hi...." He said shyly. "Hello Henry." Said Hannah. Henry looked at her confused. "How do you know my name?" Asked Henry confused. "I know a lot of things about you. You're the same age as me , you're in the same grade as me and you can teleport." Said Hannah. I looked at her amazed and then looked at Anna Marie. "Yeah her ability awakened when she was about 10 and since then she loves reading everyone's minds. My youngest daughter has the ability to talk to animals which is strange. I guess our children don't always inherit our own ability." Said Anna Marie. "Speaking of which , that's why I'm here. I need to copy your ability so I can help my eldest son Sam. He was born with the same demonic energy as mine but a lot more powerful and unstable. The only way I can help him control it is by entering his mind and helping him." I said. "Of course." Said Anna Marie as she held out her hand. I held it and then absorbed her ability. "Well , I hope you're hungry! We were just about to sit down for dinner and I'm sure Wesley would love to see you when he returns." Said Anna Marie. I looked down at Henry who was distracted talking with Hannah. "We'd love to." I said. Meanwhile back in Los Angeles , Matthew had finally woken up at the hospital. Tanner was sitting at the chair beside of him. "Sir , take it easy you're still a bit beat up." Said Tanner. "I don't care , where's Toshi?!" Said Matthew quickly. Tanner told Matthew about Toshi's condition and Matthew then grew angry and climbed out of bed. He then walked all the way to Toshi's room where he was laying unconsciously. Toshi was covered in bandages and he had a cast on his right arm and left leg. Matthew went into the room and touched Toshi's face. "I'm so sorry." He whispered to him. Tanner came into the room. Matthew then looked up at Tanner. "What happened to the Johnsons?" He asked. "They went to the Tedford's house and got their asses handed to them by Trav's kids." Said Tanner. That's when Matthew realized what he had to do if he were to continue on with being Mayor. He would have to take the formula himself in order to be able to protect he and Toshi. He checked himself out of the hospital and then quickly had Tanner drive him back to his office. He ordered for Tanner to stand outside to guard the door while he entered the office alone. He then went into his desk and pulled out one of the formula injections. "Please , give me a useful ability. One that I can use to make a difference and save this city." Said Matthew right before he injected himself. He didn't feel anything at first but soon he found himself on the ground having a seizure until eventually he passed out.

    Back on the island , Eli watched amazed at his elder siblings getting ready to brawl. Sam went running at Cole and began throwing his fists around. Cole dodged each of the punches and then grabbed Sam by the right arm and then slammed him on the ground. Sam was shocked. "Don't forget I took karate when I was ten. I didn't get my black belt but I did learn some things." Said Cole. Sam grew angry and picked himself up from off the ground. He turned his fists into metal and started trying to punch Cole again. Cole was fast , maybe it was because his senses were enhanced too. As soon as Cole seen an opening , he placed his hand on Sam's chest and then sent him flying backward with a small blast of lightning. "You're still holding back!!" Shouted Sam. "It's hard not to , you don't have full control of your powers yet. Maybe we should just hold off on this fight until then." Said Cole. Sam grew even more angry and then he looked at Eli. That's when he knew how to stop Cole's fast movements. Sam lifted his hand up and thought about what his father had taught to Eli and then he used telekinesis to lift Cole high into the air. He then held out his free hand and thought about Aries and then shot Cole down from the air with a blast of ice which froze his arms together. Sam then thought of Henry and teleported over to Cole and began punching him repeatedly in the face. "You think you're so fucking perfect! Well , you're not! In the strong one here! You'll never be able to defeat me!!!" Shouted Sam. Right before he was about to punch Cole again , his hand froze in midair. He looked and seen that it was cause of Eli. "Stop it already! You won!" He shouted. Sam looked at Eli and then at Cole who was bleeding from his face. Sam then began to realize what he was actually doing and then he let go of Cole. Eli ran over to Cole. "Are you okay?" He asked. "Yeah...I'll be alright. He was using Tim's strength which I can take." Said Cole. He then used his strength to break out of the ice. Cole stood back up on his feet and walked over to Sam. "Sam , are you okay?" He asked. Sam turned to look at Cole. "No , I'm not okay. Every time I use my powers it's like I become this completely different person. The sucky thing is that my powers only work when I'm pissed off." He responded. "Why don't you try doing the opposite?" Asked Eli. Both Sam and Cole looked at him confused. "This whole time I've been training , I noticed that my power gets stronger and stronger the more happy I get. Maybe instead of relying on bad emotions to use your powers , try relying on good ones." Said Eli. Sam raised his eyebrow and then sighed. "Unfortunately I don't really feel any good emotions these days. I'm more angrier than ever." Said Sam as he sat on the ground. Cole sat down next to him. "Are you jealous of me? Because I can control my powers better?" Asked Cole. Sam looked at Cole and shook his head. "Look , I don't try to be perfect or whatever it is you think of me. I had to work hard to get where I am at school." Said Cole. "I don't care about that stuff. What I care about is that you've always been a better person than me." Said Sam. "When the Johnson twins were about to jump me , you literally got back up despite being beaten badly just to try to defend me despite how you truly felt about me. You're a way stronger person than I can ever hope to be." Said Cole. Sam looked at Cole with a sad expression and then smiled. Cole stood up and held out his hand. "It was a good fight. But from here on out let's continue to get stronger together." Said Cole. Sam took Cole's hand and the two brothers made up. Eli had been watching the whole thing and felt relieved. He thought those two were never going to get along but then he suddenly realized something. "Hey Sam! You're feeling good right now right? Try using your powers now!" Yelled Eli. Sam hadn't noticed it at first but it was true , he was feeling good right now. He stood on his feet and then aimed his hand at the ocean. He stayed holding on to the good feelings and that's when he fired a blast of lightning toward the direction of the ocean. "You did it!" Shouted Eli as he jumped up and down. Sam smiled and then laughed. "You're right! I did it!" He shouted happily as he began to fire multiple lightning blasts at the ocean. Cole smiled too but then suddenly he began to feel a bit sad. "They're already starting to figure out there powers. It's only a matter of time before they learn how to control their demonic powers. I need to figure out a way to get stronger so I can keep up with them." He thought.

   In Amsterdam , Henry and I sat and ate dinner with Anna Marie and her family. It was good to see her husband Wesley again. Wesley had the same ability as Slim which was to turn his body completely into metal. After we ate , Henry went off to hang out with Hannah out on the porch while I stayed in the kitchen catching up with Anna Marie and Wesley. "So , you have Four sons huh? Do they all have powers?" Asked Wesley. "Yeah , once Tanner and Michelle's kids started developing abilities I only knew it was only a matter of time before mine did. Henry was the first one to activate his ability. Whenever he was having nightmares he would teleport himself into my room." I said while laughing. Anna Marie laughed too. "Teleportations a good one! I'd rather have that than my power. The first year we moved out here I struggled to adjust to not reading the minds of everyone I came across. I kept wondering what they thought about me or if they were suspicious of Wesley and I being not normal. After a while I began to realize the only person whose opinions truly mattered were my own and my husband's." Said Anna Marie. "I'm happy for you. I mainly just need to enter my oldest son Sam's mind. He has a lot of anger in him and I don't understand why. I've done nothing but raise him with love and support." I said. "Yeah but then you had 3 other kids. Maybe once your attention got a bit more divided he began to feel like he wasn't getting enough love. Sometimes being the oldest can be tough. I'm sure you know that." Said Wesley. I remained a bit silent for a moment before speaking. "They don't really know much about my siblings or my parents. I tried my best to block out all of that." I said. "What do you usually tell them whenever they'd ask about their grandparents?" Asked Anna Marie. "I'd just tell them that they passed away a long time ago. " I said quietly. "You should tell them the truth about your history. Once they hear it I'm pretty sure all of them will understand why you chose to hide their abilities and provide them with normal lives." Said Wesley. "Maybe one day , but for now I need to do whatever I can to save Sam from the evil within him. The demonic energy he possess is greater than even the professors. It's as if it has a mind of its own. If I don't help Sam gain control of it quick then it'll take over and I'll lose my son forever." I said. I looked down at my phone and realized it had been 6 hours since I had left the others on the island. "We gotta get going. Thank you for everything and I promise I'll do better at keeping in touch." I said. I hugged both of them and then went to grab Henry and then we teleported back to the island. When we arrived , Sam , Cole and Eli were sitting on the beach laughing with each other. It had been a long time since I had seen them all look so close especially Sam and Cole. Eli turned around and seen us and waved for us to come and join them. "Dad , I learned how to control my powers , look." Said Sam as he placed his index finger on a nearby rock and froze it completely. "I'm proud of you. I'm proud of all of you for the progress you've all made. Starting tomorrow you'll all be starting a new workout plan I've placed together. If you want your abilities to get stronger then you need to build stronger bodies. I'll also be teaching you how to fight properly so that way in case you ever have to defend yourself you'll be able to." I said. All four of them nodded.

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