News about Sam and Cole's fight with the Johnson brothers had spread all over social media so Eli and Henry had heard about what happened. Eli was worried about Sam and wanted to head home immediately but he had to wait for Henry who had to stay behind after school for a bit for therapy. Henry was taking therapy to try to help him deal with his fears and insecurities. When Henry finally got out of therapy they quickly began to walk home. "Did you tell them about your sleep walking?" Asked Eli. "Sleep walking? What are you talking about?" Asked Henry. "Dad told me that he randomly finds you in his bed passed out. I never even hear you wake up or leave the room so we assumed that maybe you were just sleeping walking cause you're usually out cold even when he Carries you back to our room." Said Eli. Henry frowned. "No...I didn't even know about that." he said. He was then caught off guard by a mean looking Pitbull that jumped at the fence that they were walking by and he fell down to the ground with tears coming from his eyes. "Hey! Don't start crying again! It's only a dog and he's behind that gate!" Said Eli as he helped Henry up. "Geesh man I really worry about you. If you don't toughen up then you're just asking to get beat up when I leave to high school." Said Eli. "D-don't say stuff like that." Said Henry as they began walking again. "I'm serious , everyone in the school knows you to be a crybaby and it's actually annoying. Though whenever I hear people making fun of you I shut them up like usual." Said Eli. Henry stopped walking and Eli noticed and turned to face him. "I'm sorry for being such a burden to you. I know school would be easier for you if you didn't have to waste your time looking after a big pussy like me." Said Henry with a very sad tone. Eli walked up to Henry and placed his hand on his shoulder. "Hey , you're my little brother. I'll never think of you as a burden. You're kind of like my best friend after all since we're always hanging out at home and at school." Said Eli with a smile. Henry smiled too and then suddenly the pitbull had managed to hop over the gate and began running towards our way. "Oh shit! Run!" Shouted Eli as he grabbed Henry by the shoulder and pushed him ahead of him. The two of them ran as quickly as they could but the dog was fast and they quickly found theirselves cornered. Eli stood in front of Henry ready to defend him. Henry clung onto Eli and whispered. "I want to go home , I want to go home." The dog then jumped at them and Henry closed his eyes. He waited for the dog to jump at them but it didnt. " your eyes." Said Eli. Henry opened his eyes and looked around and found that they were in their bedroom. "What?? How did we get here?" Asked Henry confused. "I don't know." Said Eli who was also confused but then he turned and looked at Henry. "Wait , I heard you whispering behind me that you wanted to go home and now we're here. Henry I think you teleported us here." Said Eli amazed. "W-what? No that's impossible... I couldn't have had! I don't have powers! I never even took that formula!" Said Henry confused. "Think about it , maybe you haven't been sleepwalking! You're always having nightmares so that's probably why you end up in dad's room! You teleport yourself there because that's where you feel the most safe! holy shit Henry! You do have powers!!" Said Eli excited as he began to jump up and down. Henry began to laugh too and he began jumping up and down with his brother. "Let's test it out! Think of where you want to go next and then try teleporting us there!" Said Eli. Henry placed his hand on Eli and thought hard and where he wanted for them to go but nothing happened. "Hmm try closing your eyes and visualizing it like you did back there." Suggested Eli. Henry did it as Eli instructed and when he opened his eyes he seen that it worked and they were in the living room. "You're a teleporter!!" Shouted Eli. Henry smiled but then noticed that Cole and I were standing behind Eli."Did you guys just teleport?" I asked confused. "Yeah! Henry did it! He just saved us from getting attacked by a mean pitbull!" Said Eli with excitement. I walked over t Henry and placed my hand calmly on his shoulder. "Is this true?" I asked. "Y-yes." Said Henry nervously. I smiled and then gave him a pat on his head. "We'll talk about this later but first , have you guys seen Sam?" I asked while peaking into the kitchen. "No we just got here a minute ago." Said Eli. I quickly ran upstairs to Sam's room and there he was laying in his bed with an angry expression. "Sam! What are you doing here?! You should be in the hospital!" I said relieved. "There was no point in me staying , all of my injuries healed somehow." Said Sam. That's when I knew what I was afraid of had happened. The seal I had placed on Sam to suppress his demonic energy was weakening which is how he was able to heal so fast and how he caused that earthquake back at the hospital. "So tell me Dad , what exactly am I? I was so mad earlier that an earthquake in the hospital. Aries wouldn't even look me in the eye the whole time we were walking home." Said Sam. I sighed and told him to come downstairs. I then instructed for all of them to sit on the living room couch as I explained everything. I told them all about my time on the island as a test subject and then I told them about how all that new stuff added to my DNA had passed down to them. The hardest part was telling them about their demonic energies. "Wait so we're demons?" Asked Henry horrified. "Well yes but don't worry , we're half human too." I said quickly. "Wait does that mean that we're immortal?" Asked Eli. "Yes but no. We can live for long periods and don't age but we
Can still be killed." I said. "Why am I the only
One that's not a demon? Am I not as much of your son as they are?" Asked Cole. "Yes you're just as much of my son as they are and I even got the blood test results to prove it but I don't know why you weren't born with demonic energy. All of this stuff was new to me and even now I still don't fully understand it." I said. I looked at Sam who was unusually quiet. "You don't have any questions?" I asked him. "I get that you wanted us to live normal lives but why not let us have a say in if whether or not we wanted that or not?" Asked Sam. "Because I just wanted what was best for you and I couldn't risk our secret being discovered. Yes there are super powered beings out there now but nobody knows about demons yet and I'd rather keep it that way. Your powers may be separate from your demonic energies since Cole was able to manifest one so even without demonic energy you'll be able to use them." I said. "What if I were to say I want this stupid seal removed from my body?" Asked Sam. "Then I'd tell you no. Sam , you contain a lot of demonic energy even way more than I do and that amount of power can warp your mind to where you won't even be you anymore. Trust me you're better off without it. I'm sure whatever powers you manifest will be more than enough for you." I said. "Whatever , I'm going up to my room." Said Sam as he got up from the couch and went upstairs. I sighed and then turned my attention to my other three sons. "What do you think my power is Dad?" Asked Eli. "I'm not sure but if your brothers powers are already starting to manifest then it won't be long until yours does as well." I said.Meanwhile back at the mayors office , Matthew had just finished work for the night when his husband Toshi arrived at the office. "So how was your first day on the job?" Asked Toshi. Matthew sighed. "Stressful , I think I'm in need of a yoga session." Said Matthew as he pulled Toshi close and kissed him. "Trying to fix this place up is going to be a lot of work. Especially since it seems like the majority of the crime committed these days are by enhanced individuals." Said Matthew. "Ugh , I wish the government would just sign a petition to lock up all enhanced already. There's no fucking way anything good is going to come out of the wrong people having these powers." Said Toshi. Matthew walked over to his desk and then pulled out two syringes. "What's that?" Asked Toshi. "It's two doses of the formula. Since I'm a political figure now , I was given them free of charge. I wanted to discuss it with you first before injecting myself with it." Said Matthew. "Ugh but what if we end up getting something lame like the ability to breathe under water or to glow in the dark." Said Toshi. "I mean imagine being able to breathe underwater , you'd be able to explore the ocean without worrying about coming up for air." Said Matthew. "You're such a nerd. Come on let's get out of here. We can take those doses some other day." Said Toshi. Matthew stashed the doses back in his desk and the two of them headed out to the back where his car was. "Hausladen!" Said a voice from behind him. He turned around and was punched in the face. He rubbed his cheek and looked up to see Slim Johnson who was the father of Tim and Jim. "Because of you my wife and I lost our jobs and our kids aren't being allowed into any schools! You ruined our lives!!" Shouted Slim. "You ruined your own life by not following regulation , not to mention also by assaulting me." Said Matthew. "It don't matter anymore , I ain't got nothing else to lose." Said Slim. "Matthew!" Shouted Toshi. Matthew turned around and seen Toshi being held down by Tim. "Please , let him go. I'll do anything you want." Pleaded Matthew. "Hmmm. How about I show you the same sympathy you showed my family?" Said Slim as he punched Matthew in the stomach. Tim then let go of Toshi and began punching him in the face as well. "Toshi!" Shouted Matthew while Slim continued to beat down on both of them. After a while Matthew was knocked out cold. Tim dropped a badly beaten Toshi to the ground. "Now what?" Asked Tim. "Now we go and beat up that family that started all of this crap." Said Slim as he and Tim walked off. When Matthew came too he found himself on a stretcher. Someone had found him lying in the alley and called 911. "Toshi?!" He shouted as he looked around. "Sir , we got him but he's in very bad shape." Said Tanner as he pointed over to the stretcher nearby. Toshi's face was very badly beaten and Matthew couldn't help but feel like it was his fault. He tried getting up but the pain he felt in his stomach and chest was too much for him to handle and he once against lost consciousness. Tanner immediately pulled out his phone and dialed my number. "Hello?" I answered. "Bruh someone attacked the mayor and his partner. By the looks of it I think it was enhanced beings that did it." Said Tanner. "You serious? Is the mayor okay?" I asked. "He's alive but he's in pretty bad shape and his partner is in even worse shape. I'm gonna need your help in figuring out who did this so I can bring justice to their asses." Said Tanner. "Alright , I'm on my way." I said as I got up. "Dad where are you going?" Asked Eli. "The Mayor was attacked , I gotta help Tanner track down who was behind all of this. Believe it or not I'm pretty good at tracking people." I said. "But Dad , you gotta tell us more about the demonic energies or whatever it is we have." Said Eli. "I will later , I promise. You guys behave." I said as I put on my jacket and then walked out. "We still haven't even figured out what my powers are." Said Eli disappointed. "Hmm I've been thinking on that and maybe you just need what happened to Henry and I to happen to you." Said Cole. "What do you mean?" Asked Eli. "Think about it , both Henry and I's powers activated when we were feeling a very overwhelming amount of emotion so that may be the trigger to you unlocking your powers. However I don't think you'd want to be put in that kind of situation. It's terrifying." Said Cole. They heard footsteps and seen Sam coming from upstairs. "Hey where are you going?" Asked Cole. "I'm going to Aries's house. I'm going to tell him to remove this stupid curse mark Dad put on me." Said Sam. "Sam no , you heard Dad , he a said it's too dangerous." Said Cole. "Easy for you to say , you don't have this power so you're the least dangerous here. I haven't unlocked any special power yet so for the time being all I have is my demonic energy. What if I'm in a position where I need to defend myself again? I need that power!" Said Sam as he opened the front door. The moment he took a step out he was welcomed with a punch to the face that sent him flying into the wall. Cole and Eli looked and seen Tim , Jim and their father standing at the door.

The Tamarians
Ficción General15 years after escaping an island where he and his friends were imprisoned and experimented on , Travis is now trying to live an ordinary life while raising his Four sons. However , his past comes back to haunt him as the formula that he was used as...