Chapter 22: BlindEye

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"Wake up"

"Wake up"

"Wake up!!"

Your eyes bolt open, and you glance around at your surroundings, it is a place you've never seen before, and before you can make your legs move, a shadowy figure walks into the room. You couldn't make out who they were until they spoke.

" are you doing?" the voice asks as they come more into the light, and you see your sergeant, Sargent Nathan Fredrickson. You glance around and take in where you are now, you see you're in a medical tent.

"The others are still in there...I don't know how much more we can do...they were too much for us" he says and just then you find the strength to stand up, you feel some weakness in your legs but you push through it.

"Woah! Lurker chills out you just woke up!" he says, trying to sit you back down on the bed but you brush his hand off.

"If they're still in there then my job is not finished, I don't care if it's my life that's the price, they're my brothers," you speak up, and Nathan is surprised, almost as if you've never spoken before

"Lurker, you-"

"I know Nate...If I don't come out then you make sure you all retreat all right?" you respond, and he nods. With a determined look, you pick up your mask from the nightstand slip it onto your face, and walk out into the dust. It seemed as if a sandstorm had begun in the middle of Mexico, the goal was to go and take out all of the resistance members inside of the building, there was an estimated 70 men. But that information was off, and it all went wrong...there were 400 soldiers, some civilians from the streets that came in, some ex-soldiers looking for a change...and white masks, your squad was ambushed, and some of them were trapped in the building still. The fighting has gone on for about a day now and you barely made it out of the building to get medical help...but now you're about to head back in, almost as if you had a death wish...

You snuck around the war-torn building, you found a few ally soldiers and were able to sneak them out. You turn a corner and immediately see two fellow soldiers pushed back against a wall as they were being gunned down.

"Shit! Lurker! We can't move!" One of them calls out after noticing you, in response you notice a way around them, and without thinking you sprint to catch them from behind, you run through a hallway take a left, and see the 4 soldiers shooting at your comrades, you start to spring towards them with a knife in hand, and right before you reach them one of them speaks.

"I hear footsteps!" they call and two of them turn in your direction and aim their rifles at you, but before they can fire you slide down, knocking one of them over and stabbing the other on in the leg, who then screams in pain, as you reach to your holster and pull out a pistol, sending one bullet into the head of the one you knocked over and then quickly three more into the remaining three soldiers, and all three of their bodies fall to the ground, leaving the once bullet filled always, in complete silence. The two soldiers walk over to you.

"Thanks, Lurker, if you weren't there...we'd be toast by now" one of them says and you nod.

"How many of us are still in here?" you ask, and both soldiers, who have never heard you speak before completely ignore the fact that you used words because of the severity of the situation.

"Just us two, Gens, Fred, and Keith," the soldier says. "We were together at one point but got split up...I think they're gonna blow the building." as soon as those words were processed in your brain you immediately began to sprint.

"Get out now! I'll find the rest!" you call back to them as you activate your invisibility, and run down each hallway, any unknown solider you immediately shoot down, trying to conserve as many bullets as you can as you feel your capacity slowly draining. If this building was going to blow, you were going to make sure you were going down with it if it meant saving everyone else. And after running for what felt like ages you turn a corner and finally see the three missing soldiers, one on the ground, two leaning against a flipped-over table.

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