Chapter 23: On The Road

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A month has passed, and Monika wasn't able to find anything in your room that would help them in their search for you. Six was able to help provide the data needed to track movement between borders, but they would have to be extremely lucky to catch an unscanned vehicle traversing through the border. Six sent out a request to the American and Canadian governments to tighten security between borders to limit the number of cars passing, which would make locating you easier.

"What are we going to do when we find out where he's going?" Emma asks. Glancing around at everyone sitting at the table, it was Monika, Elias, Marius, Dominic, Maxime, Ela, and herself.

"Well if we figure out what state he's going into then we can follow his movements until he stops, we just have to figure out what car he's actually in" Maxime states, getting a nod from the whole group.

"And then once he stops, we all go talk to him?" Dominic asks.

"I'd like to talk to him alone. And then we can have a few of us on standby in case he was indeed being followed" Monika suggests, the group once again agreeing.

"How many of us will go?" Ela asks, and everyone looks around, but nobody shares a word.

"Well obviously Monika is going...and then I assume Maxime, Ela, Emma, and Elias would tag along, Dom and I can stay here to help from afar if needed...and if what you and Maxime told us, Monika...then we can keep watch" Marius states and everyone nods except for Emma.

"If what was true?" Emma asks, obviously confused by the secretive talk around the group.

"Oh, you showed up later, right I forgot" Ela states and Maxime clears his throat.

"There's a rat...or, it seems very likely that there is one." he says and Emma's eyes widen in shock.

"What!? Is that why it feels like we're always on the backfoot?" she asks and Maxime nods.

"It was originally a task for me and Y/N...but with the severity of this situation, we need all the help we can get. The white masks are smarter than how they once were, it's obvious they have a goal." Maxime states.

"We can't really trust anyone then...but then why are all of us here, how do we know one of us isn't the rat?" Emma asks.

"All of us are the people Y/N trusts the most...and I've known all of you for a long time...except you, Maxime" Monika says with a smile and he chuckles. "But I know that Y/N trusts I do, I think we can all agree we care for's hard to fake that." Monika says, getting smiles and nods from the table.

"Once Y/N gets back, we're going all in on finding this son of a bitch, and removing the white masks before they get too powerful" Elias states and then a beep is heard from Maximes laptop.

"Oh, I got something!" He yells, and everyone quickly moves to see his screen.

"We have a brand new car travelling past the border into...Canada?" He says.

"Why would Y/N need to go to Canada?" Ela asks, looking over at Monika who shrugs.

"Track that car's movements, see where it stops. And everyone else can keep track of the borders. Elias, you watch the border between Washington and Oregon. Emma, you watch Washington and Idaho. And Monika you keep watching Canada in case that car isn't him" Dominic orders and everyone nods, making their way back to their laptops. A few hours later no new cars had travelled through the borders, Maxime continued to watch the one car that travelled into Canada

"It seems the car is now in northern Alberta, they've stopped about 2 times for gas." Maxime says, watching it closely.

"Wait...I think they stopped" he states, typing on his keyboard and Ela slides her chair over beside him.

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