Chapter Thirteen; They Never Understand.

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I woke up from my usual place. Except no laughing or smiling. Not like is was. It's been over a month now, since Paul, and all of our life's had turned completely upside down. Well at least mine has. Paul and I had gotten close, like best friends. I wanted revenge.

"I can't believe they actually did it." I heard David chuckle from behind me. "Me too." I tried so hard not to kill him. I was saving my anger, saving it for Sam and the Frog brothers. "David?" I turned to look at him, he was already in his wheelchair. Dwayne and Marko took Laddie out, they needed a break for awhile. Especially Laddie, he lost two people he really loved. I was being blamed for both, by David and Laddie. "Amaris?" He questioned back. "What are we gonna do?" I ignored his gaze. I didn't want to look at him, I didn't even want to talk to him, but he was kind of our leader. Heh. "I don't know, you seem to piss them off well enough. Why don't you think of something?" He smirked. "DO YOU THINK I ASKED TO BE A FUCKING VAMPIRE?! A VAMPIRE? I DIDNT EVEN THINK THIS SHIT WAS REAL!" I shouted at him, wanting to just watch that bastard suffer. I never wanted to see that fucking smirk. I ran for the exit of the cave, instincts to kill. "Where are you going?" He yelled after me. "I'm gonna kill some people!" I yelled back, wanting everything to be over. "Kay, have fun!" He giggled. I'm gonna light that bitch on fucking fire when I get back.

I rode Paul's motorcycle to the boardwalk. He used to teach me how to ride a lot when he was alive. The people surrounding the boardwalk could notice how vexed I was. I probably looked like I was in flames. All of them scattered to the sides of the boardwalk, clearing a rather large path. "Edgar! Alan!" I screamed, filled with complete evil intent. I started laughing hysterically, I wanted both of them. Both of them stumbled out of the comic shop, almost in fear, it was clearly deep in their eyes. I smirked. "Ama-" "Why the fuck did you target him? Why didn't you kill me!" I yelled, only inches from them, practically towering over them even though they're taller. "Planning on that still. You're all going too." Edgar chuckled. "Oh really?" I started laughing. "You got one of us out of luck, but not this time frogs." I smirked. I grabbed Edgar's shirt collar. "Remind Emerson that I'm gonna get him too." I spat in his face and shoved him into one of his stands. Alan pulled him up. "Clear shot now, right Amaris?" Alan joked. "Are you really gonna fucking joke with me right now? You killed my fucking brother and now you're gonna die. Hell, I might even bring you back." I spat one last time and turned on my heels, almost in joy, knowing that I'm gonna win. And if I brought them back it would be a battle till no end. They'd hate me till infinity, just like I hate David.

I was just about to leave the comic shop when I saw Amaris yelling at the two. I knew she could smell me, but she acted like I wasn't even there. I couldn't make out what they were saying at my distance and then she was gone. Disappeared so quickly, probably back to her vampire cave, the start of her life being ruined. It's all my fucking fault. I should've been the one to let her stay with me and my family and then she'd be normal and possibly happy, not having all of this death in her life. I need to save her, even if that's gonna make her hate me more.

I didn't even realize that i was in a pool of my tears between the cave and the boardwalk, until Marko placed his hand on my shoulder. Paul would've been the one to do that. Marko knew why I was upset, he knew me too well now to know exactly why I was upset, but still had no idea what to do about it. "I miss him too, Mari." It was quiet, only once heard his soft whisper and the small crashes of the ocean. Maybe I was crying about Paul or maybe I was frustrated with myself, with everything. I wanted everyone to go away and leave me alone. I never wanted to be undead. But, then I would've never met Marko. I would've never met any of them.

"Can we light David on fire?" I asked, looking up at him. "No, we can't light David on fire." He chuckled. "Damn."

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