CH-231 Death should not be easy .

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Sitting on the chair infront of Munji who is been crying from last fifteen minutes , from the time I have been here and honestly I am having just enough of her shit

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Sitting on the chair infront of Munji who is been crying from last fifteen minutes , from the time I have been here and honestly I am having just enough of her shit .

I turn my head to look towards seulgi who is standing while leaning against the nearest wall smoking cigratte.

Suhani- So from home to all the way here you called me to see her crying like some six year old girl huh ?

Seulgi- I swear she agreed on speaking Suhani .

She took one last puff of her cigarette before littering it to ground and walking to stand by my side as we both look at Munji who is still crying and in every five minutes begging me to let her go .

Suhani- Munji I don't have all the time in the world so start speaking already.

Choi Munji- Please let me go ....I beg you.

Suhani- I will , I promise you just do your confession and I will surely let you go .

She look at me with red teared up eyes nodding at me as she finally braced herself to start speaking, I turn the recorder on and she take a deep breath.

Choi Munji- 2003 the Babel organisation had been set up in korea by Mr Jan Han Seok Father , Mr Han Kenji he is the founder of babel and also a great scientist he did many amazing research and he always thought about the world's welfare ... But when Han Seok born and turn eighteen Mr Kenji decided to pass on his legacy to his son but than he figured out that Han seok had some different evil plans so Mr Kenji decided to send him overseas and pass on the legacy to his younger son .

Seulgi- What the fuck they are two brothers?

Choi Munji- Yes Han Seok and Han Junwoo is hank seok yonger brother.

Arif- Where is he now ?

Munji look at me with fear in her eyes as she take another deep breath.

Choi Munji- Han Seok didn't want to go overseas, he wanted to rule the world so he killed his father along with his little brother ....

I knew it that something like this only would happen I close my eyes in defeat as Choi Munji confess every little crime done by Babel and Han seok and also the thing that from starting she had always been supporting Han Seok in his crime .

Han Seok never received his punishment for killing his own dad and brother, because Wusang law firm had covered up his crimes from the starting and now today he is doing alot of big crimes making the lives of innocent people hell because he has never been stopped.

Choi Munji- I have always been supporting Mr Han Seok, when he told me about the medicine RDU90 I knew it was wrong but my loyalty for him makes me support him.

Suhani- Now who will confess on the crime which you did just a week ago?

Choi Munji- What do you mean ?

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