CH-261 You had been found by me .

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Hugo- The ship is Parked at this side today

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Hugo- The ship is Parked at this side today.

He told me as I walked to other side of port where so many other sips are also parked .

Suhani- Where is he ?

Hugo- Just go straight you'll find him .

He told me and I nodded walking alone by looking around my surroundings its really quite and calm in here , the cold wind is blowing , My hairs rustled in the wind meanwhile I try to find my husband .

Just as I reached the end of the bridge , I saw him standing on the ship looking at me . He is waiting for me only . There's a cigarette between his lips as one hand rest in the pants . He looks like hot captain of the ship wearing that black outfit.

Suhani- Why are you here , isn't it too cold out here ?

I said wrapping my hand's around my body even tho I am wearing warm clothes but still I can feel myself shivering slightly . As he didn't respond but extend his hand for me , so that I climb on the ship . I immediately hold his hand and put one leg on upper stair of the ship to climb in but I really didn't have to do a thing.

He effortlessly hold me just by his one hand and get me on the ship lower deck but just as I am about to step on the wooden surface of ship , I lost my all balance and was about to fall down in the water but Jimin strong arm hold me by my waist and instantly I have been lifted up my feets are in the air .

He hold me against him by his Just on arm around my waist before he jumped on the wooden surface along with me and very carefully put me down but still didn't leave me .

I saw his burning cigarette and he take it off without even finishing it fully , he throw it away before finally giving me his whole attention.

Suhani- What's going on why did you called me here ?

Jimin- So I can talk to you .

Suhani- We can do it at home also .

I said walking past him getting further inside the ship meanwhile he just follow me but didn't said anything else .

I said walking past him getting further inside the ship meanwhile he just follow me but didn't said anything else

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