CH-234 All that I am is us .

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Suhani- Am I going to die ?

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Suhani- Am I going to die ?

Jimin- Senòrita what rubbish love nothing is going to happen that way . You are going to be all fine .

She keep her face into my chest as I settle down against the bathtub with her in my arms , she snuggled into my chest while her tears fall on my shirt .

Suhani- I don't want to die Jimin not now , not tomorrow or not near in future...I want to live with you ... I want to live with our kids ... I don't want to die .

Jimin- You are going to live a long life baby... nothing is going to happen to you , you are going to be just me just hold onto for few minutes.

I kissed the top of her head holding her to me so that she can feel that she is not alone at all , that she got me by her side for rest of our lives.

Natalie- Mr Park? Here make her drink this .

I look at Natalie who walked inside with a glasss of honey milk , crouching down beside us she hold out a glass for her .

Natalie- It will give her some relieve.

Jimin- It won't effect her more right ?

Natalie- No just trust me it will make her feel good .

Jimin- Senòrita wake up drink this love .

I made her sit helping her , she literally had no energy to even open her eyes I hold the glass for her to make her drink but she turn her face away .

Suhani- No I don't want it ...I don't want to drink it .

Jimin- Baby it will help you feel okay , just drink it please come on you are my strong girl right?

I bring the glass to her lips but she look at me with puffed up red eyes , shaking her head as no .

Suhani- No please...I don't want it , it smells bad .

Natalie- But you have to drink this Mrs Park, I promise you will feel good .

She crasses her head as I hold her by her jaw and she try to put up a fight even tho she doesn't had energy left but I know I had to use my way to make her drink it , so I put the glass on her lips and made her drink it while she cried loudly trying to get out of my arms but I hold her tightly.

Jimin- Its okay ... you are just there .

As she choked on milk but gladly she finished it but made a little mess on her clothes and so does mine but that's not a worry she cried loudly while coughing loudly, her cries went louder and louder making me hold her against my chest.

Jimin- Its alright....hush you did great , everything is going to be okay .

I comfort her , crasseing her back kissing the top of her head , I and Natalie looked at eachother with concern in our eyes.

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