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I lay there. I'm lost. I don't know what to do. I don't want to be apart of this but I am. And if I don't do what I have to do, I may get killed. My mother let me be apart of this lifestyle where I could die?

I roll over and get out of bed. Another day filled with classes I don't want to attend. It's been a few days since the meeting and only a few days till the next one. I change into my school outfit, brush my teeth and hair. I decided to leave my curly hair out.

Pansy spent the night in Draco's dorm. I spent the night by myself, thinking about what to do and dreading the day to come when they arrive to Hogwarts. I feel sick.

Someone knocks on the door, I open to see Pansy. "I left my key in here." She says, her hair a mess with smudged mascara under her eyes. We know what they did last night. Gross.


Third class of the day, Potions. With Matteo who surprisingly arrived on time. He sits next to me. "I think I may of figured it out." He whispers. "Already, how?" "Because I'm so smart." He jokingly says. I ignore him and continue ready my workbook.

"Why are you ignoring me? Don't you want to know?" He asks me as he watches me read. I ignore him again. "Fine ignore me then." He slightly moves away from me and grabs out his book.

A few minutes pass in class and I feel someone throw something at me, a paper ball, with a note inside. Matteo watches me open the note.

'Fucken death eaters!'

The note says. Matteo slams his fist on the table and I scrunch the ball up and throw in on the ground. "Who was that Y/n?" Matteo sounds mad, I've never seen this side before. "I think it was Comric." I don't think I know it was him, but I don't want Matteo to do anything stupid.

The bell rings and he gets up fast. "Matteo don't do anything stupid." I try pulling him back but he's to strong, once he's out in the corridors he goes up behind Comric and pushes him to the ground. "Don't you ever fucken say that shit again!" He yells in his face, he lifts his fist and punches him straight in the face. "FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!" People start to chant and form a circle. Harry try's pushing Matteo of cormric but Matteo keeps punching him. I push past people and try pull Matteo off. "Matteo stop you gonna kill him, stop!" I yell and continue trying to get him off. "Quick before the teachers come, just stop!" He finally listens and gets up of the ground. "Call her or me that ever again and I will Kill you." He says it with no expression like he means it. I grab his books of the ground and follow him.

"What we're you thinking!?" I shove his books into him and he takes them. Blood all over his face, was it his or Comric?. "No one should call you or me that. He's a fucken prick." I follow him to the Slytherin common rooms.

We arrive to his room and I place my books down. I go into his bathroom to grab a wet cloth. "You need to get that blood of your face. Did he hit you?" I hand him the cloth and he dabs at his face. "He tried only hit me slightly." I look at his face and find a little cut. "Give me that." I grab the cloth from him and clean the blood of myself. "Ouch!" He yells. "Ops sorry!" "You meant that." I smile, "maybe."

Once his face is clean, I dab some antiseptic on his face so it doesn't get infected. "Your gonna be in so much shit." He gets up to looks at his facs in the mirror. "Oh well it was worth it." I sit down on is bed watching him stand in front of the mirror. "Why are you watching me?" He asks. "I wasn't, I didn't mean to." He laughs and comes back out, "thanks for helping me." "It's ok Matteo, I'm gonna go."

"Don't you want to know what I found out?" He asks. "Not right now, I don't want to think about it." I open the door and leave with my books to my next class. Which I'm so late for!


"Where we're you I was worried!" I sit down next to Pansy managing to sneak in without the professor sees me. "I had to help Matteo, he got into a fight with Comric!" "No way, why?" Draco now listens in. "What Comric do?" Draco asks. "He threw a letter at me with a note on it saying 'Fucken death eaters', something along those lines and Matteo flipped and after class he went up and hit him." They look at me in shock. "Your not a, you know are you?" Pansy says to me quietly. "No, I'm not Pansy." I look away from her feeling hurt. I'm not a death eater and I don't ever want to be.

——— let me know in the comments how you feel so far about this story and any recommendations!! 💚

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