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I moan as he lays on top of me and kisses my neck. I grab his hair wrapping my legs around his waste needing him. "Please Matteo, I need you!" I moan out. He kisses my lips hard and fast. Gently he removes my pants...

My alarm goes off. Heat between my thighs. Wtf did I just dream! I sit there playing over my dream in my head and in shock. Ew no, no and no!

"Morning! Tomorrows the weekend yay!" Pansy rolls over to look at me. "Are you ok?" She asks. "I just had a really weird dream about Matteo." I confess. "Omg was it a spicy dream!" She sits up grinning. "Maybe, but it means nothing! I don't know why I dreamt it!" She laughs out loud. "Omg your in loveeee!" She yells out. "No I'm not!" I through my pillow at her and she gasps. "Oh no you didn't just start a pillow fight with me!" She gets up and grabs her pillow, I get out of bed a run away screaming. "Nooo!" She chases me and hits me on the back of the head laughing. I grab the pillow from her and whack her on her legs. "Ouch stop!" We both laugh and I quickly lock myself in the bathroom. "I WIN!" I yell out. "That's not fair!" She bangs on the door but ignore her and get myself ready.


Pansy and I go to breakfast together. "Draco has been getting on my nerves lately." She confesses. "Why what's he done?" "He's been acting off and he won't tell me and it's frustrating me. I'm worried he's cheating on me." She looks and me with a worried expression. "Oh no don't think that, I don't think he'll ever do that to you. Maybe he needs some time alone if there's something going on?" She nods her head and we go through the massive wooden doors that lead to the 4 tables, filled with children and breakfast.

"Guess what Y/n!" Enzo shouts as we make our way to the table I sit down next to him, Theo on my left and Pansy opposite me with Draco by her side. "What is it?" "Matteo got into a fight with Comric yesterday did you hear?" He shoves eggs onto his forks and eats. "Yeh I was there." "Really, why didn't you tell me, tell me what happened." I tell him what happened and Theo as he didn't know ether.

"He's been in his room all day since yesterday." Theo tells us, "I tried going to check on him but he didn't answer." "I wonder if he's got detention?" Enzo says. "Surly a teacher saw or heard about it?" Pansy says, still no word from Draco to her. "Anyways Cormic deserved it, he's had it coming for a while now." Theo says laughing.


It's the last class of the day and still no sight or word of Matteo. I have potions next and don't want to go so I head to the dorms to skip.

I knock on Matteos door hoping he'll answer. He opens, he's wearing grey sweatpants and a black top. "Hey I just wanted to check on you." He lets me come inside and I sit down on the chair at his desk. "You okay? Did u get detention or something from yesterday?" I ask him, he paces up and down then sits on his bed looking at me. "I didn't get detention no one found out. And I'm okay I just wanted to be alone."

I get up and sit opposite to him on his bed. This mornings dream pops up in my head.
No don't think about that now!
"Have you eaten today?" He shakes his head, "I'm not hungry." I start to worry a little. "I'm ready to here what you have found out for our task we have to do." He pats the space next to him so I sit, our body's touching. "I found a vanishing cabinet in the room of requirements. We just need to figure out how to successfully repair it to allow them to get through to kill Harry Potter and Dumbledore." He looks over at me with a blank expression and on his face. "Well I mean good job for figuring something out. We just need to know what spell? Maybe I can go to the library and find something there?" I mutter the last sentence to myself. "We can both go to the library." He gets up and grabs my hand to pull me also up. "Let's go." I follow him.

"Nothing, nothing and still nothing." I slam the books on the table. "This is hopeless." I say to Matteo inspecting the books I found. "Just keep looking." He points to another row of books and he goes the opposite way. "I've been looking for nearly 2 hours!" I whine. "Y/n just stop whining your starting to annoy me!" He shouts on the other side of the shelve from me. I remove a book and see him on the other side, "what you gonna do about it?" I roll my eyes and put the book back so I don't have to see his face. He walks around the other side and comes up to me and pins me against the book shelve.

"You don't want to know what I'll do to stop your whining." He looks down at me his face inches away from my lips. "What if I do?" I whisper. He stares at my lips and then slowly kisses me. He puts both hands on my cheeks and gives me aggressively. I run my hands through his hair and pull his body closer to mine. He stops and pushes away from me. "Fuck, I shouldn't have done that, that's enough searching for the spell, let's go back." He walks off and leaves me standing there alone.

My face is all red and my hair is a little messy. In between my legs throb. What a fucken asshole.


I check the time and it's nearly 12. My body still aches for his touch after the incident in the library. I give in and silently make my way to his dorm. I quietly knock incase he's asleep but he opens straight away. Theo stands there with a grin on his face, "what is it?" He asks and opens the door wider to let me in. "Remember when you 'jokingly' said if I ever need someone to get something of my mind?" "Yes love I do." He comes closer towards me. "Well that's what I'm here for Theo."

He looks down at me and kisses me hard and fast. I pull my shirt of and my pants. I help him remove his shirt to reveal a nice set of abs. He lays me down on his bed. "Your so wet already." He chuckles to himself as he slowly takes my panties off.

He kisses in between my thighs. "Theo please, I need you." I push his head down and he goes down on me. Licking and sucking. I moan loud.

He comes back up and removes his pants and jerks of as he watches me. I grin as I watch him. "Stop teasing." I pull him down and kiss him. He slowly pushes in and out. "Ugh fuck." He waits for me to adjust and then he pushes in and out faster and harder.

Our sweaty body's move together. I arch my back. "Fuck your so good." He moans into my mouth as he kisses me. "Harder." I moan in his ear. He picks up the pace making my back arch more. We both gasp and moan. "I'm about to cum." He pulls out and finishes on my stomach.

"Seriously." He chuckles to himself and gets up to get tissues. I grab them from him and clean up his mess. We get changed together and I lay with him on his bed. "So what did you need to get off your mind?" He asks me. I sit up suddenly remembering why I came here. "Why'd you have to ruin the moment." I push him but he grabs my arms and pulls me down to his face. "Round 2?" He goes to kiss me but I pull away. "Sorry, but I'm gonna go to bed." He nods his head and let's go of me. "Thank you." I smile and he grins as he watches me leave.

As I go back to my dorm I walk pass Matteos room to find him walking into his room. He looks up at me, anger. Did he see me leave Theo's room? He ignores me as he goes into his room and I do the same.
If only it was you, not him. I think to myself.
Matteo Riddle I need you...

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