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Once both of you arrive Taehyung picked you up and helped you settle in to his house. You and Junwoo rest for a few hours before deciding to go to the grocery store to buy some of Tae's and his favorite snacks. 

You visit a nearby mall with Junwoo he points out at different things he wants. You were walking to grab some cereal when you bumped into someone.

"Excuse me I'm s-" your heart started racing like crazy...it was Jungkook. After almost five years you finally see each other again. Seeing him was the last thing you expected. He stops you as you start walking away.

"Hey wait!" he grabbed your arm . You stop and he turns you around and you look at him. 

"What are you doing here?" he asks

You couldn't say anything. You froze up. The fear and shock of seeing him again after all this time overwhelmed you. Junwoo quickly noticed you were uncomfortable and gave your hand a gentle squeeze before speaking.


Jungkook looked down at the little boy who has holding your hand. He looked almost identical as his younger self. Jungkook knelt down to the boy's height.

"What's your name bud?" he asked in a soft tone.

Junwoo stared at him with curious and wide eyes. He was a bit shy when he met strangers but he oddly felt connected to this man.

"Junwoo" he replied with his small and innocent voice. He couldn't help but stare at the man kneeling infront of him.

You watch as they interact with each other for the first time. Jungkook couldn't deny that there was a resemblance between him and the child. The way his eyes were the same shape as his, his sharp jawline, even the way he was standing. 

"How old are you, Junwoo?" Jungkook asked with curiosity, looking at the boy who was still holding on to your hand. Before Junwoo could answer you speak up.

"We have to go...it was nice seeing you again but let's not make it a habit" you pick Junwoo up and turn around to leave. 

Just as you turn around to leave Jungkook grabbed your arm again. 

"Wait... don't go." he said with a firm voice. He wasn't going to let you go without knowing if the kid was his son or not.

Your body betrayed you and you stopped. You slowly turned around and looked into his eyes again. Seeing him aging brought back memories you tried so hard to forget. It was painful to be this close to him after all this time.

He could tell it was uncomfortable for you to see him again. He still held onto your arm and his gaze softened. His eyes moved from yours to Junwoo who was holding onto you tightly. There was a lot of resemblence and he couldn't deny it.

"Is... is he mine?..." he asked even though deep inside he already knew.

Your heart started beating like crazy. Why did he have to find out this way. Your mind was consumed by negative thoughts but they were quicly pushed back by the sound of Junwoo's sweet voice.

"Mommy are you okay?" he cupped your cheeks in his tiny hands and your eyes started to water.

"I'm fine sweetheart" you kissed his forhead and looked back at Jungkook

"We shouldn't discuss this here. Its not the place nor time to talk." 

Jungkook looked at the interaction between you and your son. The way he held your face to make sure you were okay. He could tell he was protective over you. He knew this wasn't the best place for this conversation but Jungkook didn't want to leave without getting an answer. He let go of your arm and sighed.

"Can't you just give me a simple yes or no asnwer? Is he mine Y/N?"

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