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"What is he like?" he asked, he genuinely seemed intrested in learning more about his son, which that made you really happy.

You smile at him for the first time in years. Whenever you talked about Junwoo, you bacame the happiest woman alive.

"He's amazing Jungkook. Junwoo is such a loving, happy, cute and smart child. He... actually  reminds me of you, believe it or not."

You take your phone out and show him baby pictures of Junwoo.

You take your phone out and show him baby pictures of Junwoo

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"This is from the day he was born"

"This is from the day he was born"

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"Here he's 9 month's old"

"His first Christmas, he was a year old"

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"His first Christmas, he was a year old"

"I took this one before getting on the plane yesterday

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"I took this one before getting on the plane yesterday."

Junkook felt a bit surprised at the similarities between himself and his son. As he looked at the pictures he could see his younger self in Junwoo's eyes.

"He's the spitting image of me." he said with a small chuckle. His heart warmed as you showed him pictures of Junwoo growing up. It felt like a punch to his gut that he missed out on so much.

"He definitely is a copy of you. It's kind of annoying actually. I was the one that had to carry him for nine months and he still had the nerve to look exactly like you." you joked, trying to lighten up the mood. You were quick to notice that he seemed sad to have missed out on all of Junwoo's first memories.

As you tried to lighten the mood with your joke, he couldn't help but let out a little chuckle. 

"I bet you're secretly happy that he looks like me though." he teased back, seeing the pictures made him feel better.

"I am actually...I-" your voice was cut off when Junwoo suddenly came running  down the stairs and into the room, calling out for you. 

Junkook froze, he didn't know how to react now that he knows Junwoo is his. You looked at Junwoo and smiled. 

"Did Uncle Tae fall asleep before you?" you asked.

Junwoo nodded with a small pout. "He was playing a game on his phone and fell asleep on his bed. He said I was too boring." he complained, making you chuckle.

"Hahaha, how dare he!" you get up from the couch and kneel down to Junwoo's height.

"Hey sweetheart...I want to introduce someone to you." you signal over to Jungkook and he stands up.

Junwoo looked up at you questioningly. 

"Remember him..from the mall?" as soon as you said those words, Junwoo's facial expresision changed. He suddenly remembered the man from the mall.

"That's...that's the man that asked for my name today..." he said, pointing at Jungkook.

"That's right..." you pause for a moment before continuing. "This is Jungkook... he's your dad" you stand up and move behind Junwoo so he is now facing Jungkook.

As soon as you said the word dad Junwoo's eyes widen in shock. He looked at Jungkook and then back at you, then back at Jungkook again.

Meanwhile, Jungkook felt his heart skip a beat. His heart was beating even faster tan before. You look at Jungkook and give him an encouraging nod.

Jungkook took a deep breath before saying anyting. He walked over to Junwoo and knelt down in front of him.

"H-hey..." he greeted him with a stutter. He mentally cursed himself for stuttering.

You pat Junwoo's head. "Go on, say Hi"

"H-Hi..daddy" Junwoo cutely stuttured just like Jungkook

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