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The next few days were hell for Jungkook. His father made him train more and sent him on dangerous missions, all for him to learn his place and become a worthy succesor. He wanted Jungkook to understand that he had no choice in the matter and what Taesoo says goes and that's final.

It's been 6 months since Jungkook and Y/N broke up, he missed her but his father wasn't going to allow Jungkook to think about you anymore.

"Son! How was the last mission?" Taesoo asked

"Successful as always" Jungkook said coldly

Taesoo smirked, he's noticed how Jungkook's emotions have changed since you've been gone. It's exactly the outcome he was hoping for. Jungkook needs to stop feeling in order to become a strong leader.

"Well done son. I'm very proud of you. At this rate I can retire soon. In a year I'll make you the next boss, don't dissapoint me Jungkook" 

"Yes father..." Jungkook said and left his father's office

Taesoo smirked.  "Everything is going according to plan. I'm so glad I got rid of that bitch. Jungkook is much easy to handle now that she is gone. And I plan to keep it that way."

 ~3 months later~

Taesoo calls Jungkook. "Jungkook get ready we have an important buisness meeting with a potential buisness partner"

"What? On such short notice?" Jungkook voice was a bit deep it seems he just woke up

"Just get over here Jungkook. I'll be waiting in my office."  he hangs up before Jungkook could answer

"Bastard..." Jungkook runs his hands through his hair. "ugh my head hurts..." he sighs " let's get this over with" 

Jungkook showers and gets ready for this meeting. He gets in to his car and drives to his fathers office.

 He gets in to his car and drives to his fathers office

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He arrived at the office. Jungkook walks in an everyone welcomes him

Saff: "Welcome Young Master"

He nods and walks to his fathers office

"Good, you're here" Taesoo says 

"Didn't give me much choice now did you father?" Jungkook says annoyed 

"Don't talk back to me brat. Behave today's meeting is important to me" Taesoo states

Jungkook nods and suddenly they both hear a knock on the door.

Kim Taehyung walks in with 2 of his bodyguards

"Ah~ the famous Kim Taehyung. Its nice to meet you. I'm Jeon Taesoo and this is my son Jeon-" Taesoo was caught off by Taehyung

"Jeon Jungkook...I know. It's nice to meet you both" Taehyung glares at Jungkook

"Oh do you know each other?" Taesoo asks looking at Jungkook

"Y-" before Jungkook could answer Taehyung spoke first

"I've heard of him...yes. He's quite famous because of his skills. You have a strong succesor here Mr. Jeon"

Taesoo chuckles. "I've trained him myself and you can call me Taesoo Mr. Kim"

"Well then call me Taehyung. Im much younger so I would like to adress you formaly Mr. Jeon"

"Fine fine." Taesoo said

Jungkook just stood there he couldn't belive Taehyung was also part of the Mafia world. Tae and Jungkook were good friends because of Y/N. But ever since the break up they haven't spoken to each other. He was a bit confused as too why Taehyung is acting as if he doesn't know him.

Taehyung and Taesoo talk about buisiness fot two hours Jungkook just nods an ocassionaly gives his opinion. 

"Well Mr. Jeon we will be in contact soon." Taehyung says

"Thank you for agreeing to this meeting Mr. Kim. Hope to hear from you soon" Taesoo said shaking hands with Taehyung.

Taehyung leaves the office and is followed by Jungkook

"Taehyung..." Jungkook calls out to him

to be continued next chapter...

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