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"H-Hi daddy" Junwoo cutely stuttered just like Jungkook.

When Junwoo greeted him... he felt something he couldn't quite describe. Hearing his son call him that was something he never thought would make him feel so happy.

Jungkook reached his hand out for Junwoo to take. With slight hesitation, Junwoo reached his hand out too. As soon as he touched Jungkook's hand he felt a sense of familiarity he didn't understand. The little smile on the boy's face made Jungkook melt on the inside. this is his son... his precious and beloved little boy...He couldn't help but feel this protective and possessive feeling over Junwoo. 

*(imagine they are in the living room)*

*(imagine they are in the living room)*

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"You're a cute kid... do you know that? Very handsome just like me." Jungkook joked, trying to lighten the mood. It was obvious that he was nervous and didn't quiet know how to handle the situation. 

Junwoo shyly smiled, his cheeks turning a soft shade of pink. "That's what Mommy said." he replied making you blush a bit.

"I... I'll leave you boys to it then. I'll be in the kitchen if you need me." you give Junwoo a quick peck on the cheek before running towards the kitchen.

The both watched as you ran towards the kitchen and smiled at each other. Both quickly bonded. They seemed to have a lot in common. Junwoo grew attached to Jungkook in that short amount olf time they spent together. 

You would peek in on them smiling and giggling, it made you smile that Junwoo seemed to like his dad. After a while, you go to check up on them and see that they both have fallen asleep on the couch. You take a minute and just stare at then in awe. You take out your phone and take a picture of this cute moment.

 You take out your phone and take a picture of this cute moment

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"Jungkook...hey" you tap his shoulder trying to wake him up. He slowly opens his eyes and looks at you.

"hmmm?" he said still half asleep. Which make you giggle.

"Follow me real quick please... I have something to talk to you about" he nodded and cafefully got up, making sure not to wake up Junwoo.

You grab his hand and lead him in to the kitchen. He was a bit surprised by the physical contact but didn't resist as you held his hand and lead him into the kitchen. He was curious about what you had to say.

You let go of his hand and stare at the floor. You couldn't make eye contact with him.

"I... want to apologize... for not telling you about Junwoo. I-" he cut you off before you could say anymore.

"Don't apologize." he shook his head, giving you a reassuring smile. "I understand why you didn't tell me..." he said honestly. 

You couldn't help it but tear up. "I..."

Seeing you about to cry broke Jungkook's heart. He reached out to wipe your tears away. You couldn't help but get lost in his beautiful doe eyes, which you used to love so much.

He couldn't believe how your presence was still making him feel butterflies in his stomach. He swallowed hard as he slowly realized how he had missed you all those five years. He had missed your smile, your voice... you.

You quickly snapped out of it and  distanced yourself from him, wiping your tears away with your hands. "Sorry... I tend to get emotional."

"Don't apologize..." he replied, letting his hands fall back to his side. He couldn't help but notice how you seemed to keep a distance between the two of you.

"It's um... getting late. You should stay over tonight... if that's what you want. I'll prepare a guest room for you." you said, trying to act as if the moment you had with him a few seconds ago didn't happen.

He knew something was wrong. You were acting distant all of the sudden, but he didn't want to bring it up. He nodded in response. "Yeah... sure. Thanks"

"Great... let me put Junwoo in his room and I'll prepare one for you ." you said quicky turning around.

Jungkook nodded, still feeling a bit troubled by your sudden change in behavior. He sighed and leaned against the counter, his mind wondering as he waited for you.

You ran out the kitchen and into the living room, you picked Junwoo from the couch and headed up the stairs and walked over to his room. You him down on his bed and give him a kiss on his little forehead before leaving.

You walked over to the guest room infront of your's and next to Junwoo's. You preapare the room for Jungkook. After finishing up you head downstairs and walked over to the kitchen again.

There was Jungkook consumed by his own thoughts to even notice you came back. You clear your throat before speaking.

"I prepared the room for you. It's the second one to your left up the stairs." you said avoiding making eye contact with him.

Jungkook turned to you and nodded. "Thanks..." he sighed, feeling awkward about how distant you were being.

A silence soon fell between the two of you, causing the air to become thick with tension. He fidgeted with his fingers, searching his mind for something to say. Nothing came to mind though. He cleared his throat when things became too uncomfortable.

Suddenly his phone rang, making him let out a relieved sigh, grabbing his phone from his pocket. He took a lot at who was calling and his expression quicly changed. The caller ID was none other than his father... Jeon Taesoo.





I would like to thank all of the you, who have been reading this story.

Today we reached 100 reads!!! I'm beyond excited. THANK YOU SO MUCH. And as a surprise I tried making this chapter a bit longer. Hope you enjoy it. 

-with love, Maru <3

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