( Chapter-17) ( My little Empress)

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"Bria, you here??" Aden asks.

"Yes, me. I was in all of them. But I had no courage to say something. However, I apologize to everyone for interfering like this. I want to show something in front of you all today."

"But Bria..."

Aden knows exactly what she is going to say when he notices Eshna's phone in her hand and what's next. But she starts to say hurriedly without looking anywhere before his response,

"You all have seen who I am. This is me, Bria Marcel, Eshna's best friend. This phone in my hand is Eshna's own phone. Here's an app linking her Instagram account. Those images are posted directly from here due to inconsistencies in editing here."

And this is where she made a mistake. This phrase is "editing here." Aden himself knew that she would make this mistake. So he wanted to stop her. But now it is too late. From the opposite side comes the question,

"So Eshna Sen edited those photos willingly. She was not intoxicated then. So, what is the motive for this edit?"

This is where Bria goes silent. She just wanted to clear everything up better in front of everyone. But unknowingly made the matter complicated. She looks at Aden helplessly. It is then that she's startled by Aden's gaze. She has never seen such a frightening sight. In other words, fire vision, which destroys everything. Same situation's here. But Aden restrains himself as he looks at her. Immediately he pours fake water on the fire and, calming her with a gesture of eyes, enunciates ,

"Everyone here knows my relationship with Srijit Sen. Eshana Sen is Srijita Sen's only daughter. As such, the equation of that with Eshna must have become clear to you all. Now, for the sake of that relationship, if she takes pictures or edits with me. What's wrong with that?? It seems to me now that you are pushing this topic away from the goal, towards amusement. Then I might have to think about adopting another step. And of course, it'll not be favorable for everyone of you. I know the city is watching my interview live. Yes, I'm forewarning like this in front of all of you. Also request you to take it easy and leave us alone. Because you already have your evidence."

Aden could have directly introduced himself as Eshna's father without twisting it so much. But he didn't. Because he thinks of himself as her guardian. And on this recognition, he agrees to take care of her for the rest of his life. But he doesn't consider himself worthy of the word father.

Hearing his words, the chaos stopped immediately. Which course of action he indicated was well understood. Everyone begins to vacate the gallery one by one without being disgusted.

"Forgive me. I really didn't understand, something like this would happen. In fact, in front of so many people's questions..." Bria mumbles.

"It's okay, dear. I understand. Don't worry about this anymore. They won't go far. Well, talk to yourselves."

Aden finishes looking at Ran. He leaves but comes back again.

"I'm sorry for intruding on you two again. Bria, is Eshana okay now? I mean, you came here with her phone to prove it. She agreed so easily." He states uncertainty.

"Actually, she was very scared of this incident. So didn't stop. She had an anxiety attack too. But don't worry about that. She's fine. Chaya is there to take care of her."

"WHAT! !! Anxiety attack?? You shouldn't have left her alone. You could've screen recorded this proof and sent it to Ran. He was with me," Aden expresses tensely.

"That's what I wanted to do. But that also requires communication." She huffs without looking at Ran.

Meanwhile, Ran himself does not dare to look at her. He perceives now what Aden has warned then. At that time her phone starts ringing-a call from Eshna's home number. That is, Chaya is calling. Very quickly she receives. And hearing the words of the other side, she literally begins to tremble.

"What happened, Bria? Is Eshna okay?" Aden asks worriedly.

"You are right. I shouldn't have left her alone. Chaya is calling. Eshna's temperature has suddenly gone up high. She won't even let Chaya near her. And no one is home!!" Bria starts crying.

" WHAT!!! Damn it. I knew... well, stop crying. Ran, call the doctor. We have to rush out to Eshna as soon as possible."

Aden is driving so fast that all the rules are out of his head. The surrounding cars are not able to match him. Only one thing became his meditation. He needs to reach Eshana as soon as possible.

Just as he enters the house, Chaya comes in front of him crying. She knows him very well, as she has seen him many times.

"Sir, Eshna madam has suddenly developed a high fever. She is not even allowing me to enter her room. I can't even force myself to go. I have heard that in these cases, when she gets excited, the condition gets worse. Now you handle her."

"She'll get better soon. Don't worry so much. And you did the right thing. It's psychogenic fever, due to an anxiety attack. Excitement can deteriorate her condition. "

In Eshna's bedroom, i.e., on personal matters, Aden did not think of entering. But today there is no other way. After somehow persuading Chhaya, he approaches her. She is lying on the bed wrapped in a sheet. Sometimes her little body is shivering. Closing eyes, she mumbles something to herself. But she gets excited again when senses someone's presence. She's stammered, repeating only one sentence.

"Get out of here; get out. Get out. What's wrong? Can't you hear me?? Go, go."

"Eshna, Eshna, calm down. Eshna, don't do that. Please calm down, Eshna."

Aden pathetically keeps his distance from her and tries to calm her down. But it is of no use. She's behaving in the same way. He realizes that she is delirious with a fever. But thinking that if she gets excited like this, her condition will get worse, he forces himself to come to her. Puts his hand on her forehead. Deliberately speaks a little emphatically,

"Eshna. calm down. Why are you doing this? Don't. Don't hurt yourself like this. Why are you so disobedient? You're literally burning up. How could you let it get this worse??"

Beginning in austerity, his speech ends in sobs. But it works. She goes silent. He comes closer to her and grabs her hand gently. Then she lifts her body from the bed and tries to hug him. And he accepts by holding her tightly to his bosom. With one hand, he wraps her in his warmth, and brushing those promiscuous hairs from her forehead with the other hand, he places a gentle kiss there.

"Don't leave me. I can't live without you anymore. That man took everything from me. My mom, all my friends. I hate him, I hate him. I can't anymore, dad. . No, Dad. I'm not good without you. Dad, don't leave me."

Every word Esna uttered while sobbing is tearing his inner soul apart. A drop of salty water rolls down the cheek from the corner of his left eye.

" Eshna...." His breath turns heavy. "Do you hate me that much? Well, wait a little longer. When I'm done, I'll be gone. Out of your life forever. But please don't hurt yourself for a worthless fu*king bastard like me. Please, my little Empress. If anything happens to you, I'll never be able to show her this sh**ty face of mine. And this pain'll end in my death. Please, my Empress. Don't be angry with me, and don't do anything like that again."

Aden is behaving like a toddler. Streams of water running down his eyes are soaking his entire face. But alas, filled with lament and sorrow, his confession can't shove her mind at that moment.

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