05 - Dance

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The last period of the day was gym. I walked there with Jace and Lauren because we all have that class together. Since it’s the first day, we didn’t have to change. We just sat on the bleachers and waited for everyone to join us.

It turns out that Dillon, Molly, Sean, Kayla, Alyssa, and a few other friends all chose our PE credit to be now. We all were in the same class too, the teachers work in pairs and that’s two classes so all together there is around fifty students in one ‘class’.

“Okay, tomorrow we’ll begin actually playing the sports so bring an outfit to change into.” One of our teachers was saying. They let us talk for the rest of the hour after all the rules were said.

“So are you nervous?” Lauren asked me. She learned about me trying out for the dance team only moments ago and was very excited.

“Kind of,” I admitted and Jace kissed my head.

“Don’t be, you’re amazing!” He said.

Lauren looked at me with a huge smile. I’m surprised she even thought this was real. I was never into PDA and now with Jace, it seems to be happening all the time. For this plan to proceed, it has too.

When the bell rang, I went into the locker room with Alyssa and pulled out the clothes that I figured I would have. I pulled my dress over my head and saw Kayla prancing around the room only in her panties and bra. Really? Unless there are some lesbians in here, no one wants to see that.

“You ready?” Alyssa asked as she put her brown hair into a high ponytail.

“Kind of…” I said. I grabbed my ipod then locked my bag in a locker. I also pulled my hair into a ponytail.

Alyssa put a hand on my shoulder and smiled. “You’ll do great, just one thing…”


“Because this is tryouts, you have to dance in front of everyone.” She said.

“Oh that’s nothing—“

“No, that means dancing in front of the other dancers, the soccer players, and the cheerleaders.”

I groaned, “Do I have to? That will be so embarrassing!” I complained to her as we made our way outside. It was sunny, normal for California. We walked down to the turf field where the other dancers were stretching and a young woman was standing there with a clipboard.

“Melissa?” The woman lifted her head. “This is Peyton, she’s trying out today.”

Melissa smiled, “Oh, hello there! I’m the coach for dance and I hate when people call me by my last name so Coach Melissa is good. Do you have any specific music?”

I nodded and held up my ipod.

“Good, you’ll be fourth.” She wrote my name down and smiled.

Everyone made their way to the bleachers where the cheerleaders and the soccer players also sat. Jace smiled at me but I didn’t motion him forward. I sat next to Alyssa and Tessa then started stretching. There was a sophomore girl dancing to some Lady Gaga song. Her turns weren’t exact but overall she was okay. After her went another girl then a freshman boy who basically screamed ‘I’m gay!’ without actually doing so.

“Peyton?” Coach Melissa called from the track. “You’re up.”

I gulped and made my way down the stairs. Alyssa and Tessa wished me good luck and my brother hooted from the stands. I plugged in my ipod and walked to the middle of the field. I left my shoes where my ipod was and waited for my music to start.

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