06 - Food Fight

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Picture of Kayla in the sidebar!

Also, the song down there is what gave me an idea for this. Listen to it!


The next week of school was the same; the only difference was that we learned more of the dance moves to the song. Alyssa won the captain position, which made everything else for me less awkward. Come on, I didn’t know anyone on the team except her and Tessa! It helped out.

“…5, 6, 7, 8.” Coach Melissa clapped with each number she said. We landed on our knees with our arms to one side. “Good job, I hope to see you guys do that tomorrow that well. Remember, this is our coming out assembly. You all have to bring it so we can land a good spot in the competition.”

Alyssa stood up and walked over to where the coach stood. “We’re doing great guys, we just have to nail those turns.”

We all nodded in agreement before hitting the showers. Once I was dressed, I grabbed my stuff and started walking out the door.

“Going to see your boy toy?” Someone called. I turned around to see a smiling Alyssa.

I bit my lip, “Maybe…”

Tessa laughed, “You two are so cute. He just can’t seem to take his hands off of you.” She sighed dreamily, “I wish I had someone like him.”

I gulped, turning a light pink. “Uh, yeah. It’s really nice.” Wow Peyton, wouldn’t it be easier just to stamp ‘liar’ on your forehead?

“What do you two do when you’re alone?” Alyssa asked, wagging her eyebrows. They probably expected us to kiss and all that jazz… In reality, I just give him more tips on woman.

I tried to play it cool when I answered her questions, “Wouldn’t you like to know?” I gave them a sly smile before stepping down to the soccer field. Today I was wearing a romper, nothing special but some guys wolf-whistled when I took a seat on the bench.

“Cool it you guys,” Jace said with a fake angry look from the field. He flashed me a dazzling smile and I waved back.

“I think he’s whipped,” I heard someone say.

Of course he’s whipped… Whipped on the women’s mind?

Whoa, that was really lame…

I sat down as they continued playing back and forth. Soccer is a fun sport, don’t get me wrong, but just watching can get kind of boring. When they were done, Jace ran over to me and gathered up his stuff.

“Ready to go?” He asked.

I cocked an eyebrow, “Don’t you want to take a shower? You’re all sweaty and gross right now…”

He laughed. Jace’s entire face was glossy with a thin coat of perspiration and I didn’t want to smell him the whole ride home. “I thought you loved my stench,” He said with a nice smile.

I did love his smell, not when he was nasty though. I just gave him a small smile as the rest of his team was coming over. “Not when you just ran around three miles.”

His friends laughed and slapped Jace on the back. “Dude, you have a feisty girl there.” One said.

“Yeah, you jealous?” Jace said back with a smirk.

The guy looked at me greedily “Definitely.”

Dillon came up behind the pervert and smacked him on the back of his head. “I’m her brother and he’s her boyfriend. Be careful what you’re saying.”

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