19 - Surprise at Home

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 Another picture of Peyton in the sidebar!


“So…” I said awkwardly as I held the Romeo and Juliet script for our scene in my hands. After saying that one word, a huge yawn escaped my mouth that only a drugged up Jace could bring out. The whole night consisted of Dillon and I trying to get him to calm down because he’d either be going on about random things or singing at the top of his lungs.

            “So…” Sean repeated me in the same, uncomfortable tone as we sat on the couch. Today is the day we’re practicing for our scene and I seriously want time to go by faster. The whole day today consisted of me holding Jace’s things, helping him around school, and listening to him complain about not being able to play or walk.           

“Have you memorized your lines?” I asked him while I fiddled with my fingers. Please, let this be as painless as possible.  


“Oh, great,” Dillon cut in now. He was sitting in-between us while eating a bag of chips noisily. He’d switch his gaze from smiles for me then to glares for Sean. “Now you’re wasting our time!”

I groaned at my brother and fell against the plush couch. “Dillon, please just leave us alone. We’d get done a lot faster if you wouldn’t nag on him every five seconds.”

My brother stared at me for a moment before getting up and walking to the stairs. Before leaving, he turned around and pointed two fingers to his eyes then pointed them at Sean in the I’m-watching-you motion. I rolled my eyes before watching him exit the room completely.  

I smiled in contentment then looked at Sean who was gazing intently at me. I turned a little red then pulled my knees to my chest in an act of being self-conscious of my body. I wasn’t wearing anything revealing because it’s the middle of October, but I was wearing a striped shirt and tight jeans. For some reason, Sean seemed to like it.             

I cleared my throat and his eyes met mine. “So… You were saying?”

            His eyes searched mine and I still smiled at how pretty they were but Jace’s were far better. My brown eyes found his blue ones and I looked down, pulling some red hair behind my ear. “Oh,” He said with a little cough. “I’m sorry… Why don’t we start with the beginning?”

            I nodded and we stood up, allowing ourselves some space. We had both watched the movie that was with that kid from the Titanic in class so we know what to do.

            The scene went well until Sean continued, “Then move not, while my prayer's effect I take.” And with that, he started leaning in for the first kiss that the script called for.

            When he was only centimeters away, my eyes widened and I gasped out, “N-no!” I pushed his body away and looked up only to see a face filled with pain.

            “Peyton…” He sighed and ran a hand through his blond hair. “You have to kiss me if you want to pass the class.”

            I looked down and grumbled, “I have to kiss you three times in this scene…” I scrunched my face up in displeasure. “Why did she even pick us for this?”

            “I talked to her a few days ago and she told me that it was more than us having first-hand experience with acting. She wanted the scene done and we’re the only people in the full class who have dated before. She doesn’t care that we broke up, she just wants to see it.”

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