28 - Jace's POV

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 Check out Jace in the sidebar! It turns out he's a singer too! To put it bluntly, I would have his babies.

Would anyone be up for making a book trailer for this story? That'd be so cool and amazing! :)



            Why am I here again?

            Oh right, it’s my senior year and I should ‘go to all the school events’ as mom would say.

            I slumped in my seat as I watched some freshmen dance around on the stage. They were good, yeah, but not nearly as good as—

            “Peyton’s just so desperate. Did you see her last dance? She was trying way to hard to be sexy or hot when she’s definitely not,” Kayla sneered and then reached up to touch my arm. I had to resist the urge to scowl at my ex-girlfriend and her neediness.

            She’s wrong. Even from faking this whole thing with Peyton, I know that she would never try to be sexy. When she dances she just gets more comfortable and well, that’s how she is.

            I continued practically glaring up at the stage as a pair of people that I don’t know went up after the freshmen. Kayla went on to explain to her ‘friends’ another lie about Peyton. I finally couldn’t take it anymore and stood up to go to the bathroom.

            “Where are you going?” She asked.

            I ignored her and walked down the isle and into the hallway. I breathed out a fresh breath because to be honest, Kayla’s perfume made me sick. Why can’t I just get the balls to leave her?

            I gritted my teeth together in anger at her and myself. I needed the money for a good school, that’s the reason why. Two jobs just weren’t enough for the funds that college demanded and there was no way that I was letting my mom pitch in any more money than she already has.

            I passed the girl’s bathroom and the door quickly opened, making someone run into me.

            “Sorry!” A voice that I’d remember anywhere squeaked out. Peyton looked up with her big brown eyes and she turned a little red in the face. “Uh… sorry,” She mumbled in a much softer voice than before.

            “It’s no problem,” I told her as I remembered her last dance. “Are you okay?”

            She nodded which made her red hair fall into her face. She absent-mindedly put it behind her ear before speaking again. “Now I should probably get back—“

            “Wait!” I interrupted a little too quickly. “I just wanted to say that you’re doing great out there.” It’s the truth. Peyton is practically stealing the show without even realizing it. Her being on the dance team is probably the only good thing that happened with the fake relationship. Just having me push her to try out to impress Sean boosted her confidence a lot… Until I demolished it again when she found out the truth.

            She looked at me like I was lying. I don’t blame her for thinking everything I said is a lie, I practically made her believe that no guys were ever going to truly love her and stay committed. Well, Sean and I made that happen, not just me.

            When she spoke, she brought me out of my reverie. “Thanks but pay attention to my solo. It’s going to be something to remember.” With that, she turned around and walked back to the stage leaving me alone in the hallway to just think about her more than I already do.

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