39 - Final Goodbyes

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Dedicated to AllysaBethc for the amazing banner in the side! :)

So this takes place later on in the year and is the last chapter before the epilogue.

As much as I don't want to say it, this chapter made me sad. I'm not happy that this story is ending!

Thanks for reading! :)


Six months later…

            I stood up whilst clapping and cheering as I watched my brother be handed his diploma.

            “Oh, thank goodness he graduated,” my mother muttered under her breath as he walked down the stairs, and let out a bellowing ‘woohoo!’

            I grinned and sat back down once the next name, a girl whom I didn’t know, was called. I looked through the crowd and saw the top of his hat then laughed.

            P. Brandt gots it going on.

            Needless to say that he was going to leave it blank until I got a hold of it. It made all of our friends when Jace walked in with it on. Of course they didn’t know that when I made it with him I had teared up with the thought of him leaving to college. With a hug and promises to call each other, I always calmed down.

            Jace and I were best friends but nothing more than that. There were still moments where we had to catch ourselves from leaning in for a kiss or hugging too long or making hints about a relationship but everything else was perfect. As the year had coursed on, I met with some more people from Julliard, got straight A’s and we even won state for dance.

            Jace made it into Duke University in North Carolina, around 3,000 miles from where I lived and ten hours by car from Julliard. Visiting would be hard if it even happened. He tried talking to me about it all the time but I kept on pushing it off. I didn’t want to talk about him leaving. I didn’t want to talk about anything concerning the future because everything was just so perfect in the present.

            Next year was going to be horrible, I knew that. All of my friends were seniors and would be gone but yet I’d be left behind with no one. I was sort of planning on Dillon failing his way out but even he was accepted into a good college here in California and would be attending it with Alyssa. The two were still going out, surprisingly.

            Today, graduation day, was one that I had been dreading for months on end. Jace would be leaving tomorrow morning for Duke and would be making his new life there. One without me in it.

            I clapped absently for the other graduates while continuing to think about Jace.

            I still remember that conversation the night that the boy’s soccer team won state. How I said that there was a possibility of us becoming more than friends after school is out. That’s now impossible because he’s leaving and I’m staying. Long distant relationships never work. There’s no point in even trying.

            I want a relationship, that’s not a lie. In the time since that conversation Jace hasn’t gone out with one single girl. Not even on a simple date. He told me things that he’s never told anyone else before and I told him things as well. He’s my best friend. I’m sure I know him even more than Dillon does.

            Dillon supported our friendship and we didn’t really see him much because he was always with Alyssa. Jace and him were still like brothers, nothing will change that.

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