38 - Admitting It

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Woohoo! Another Chapter out!

dedicated to emilyygoff who made the banner in the sidebar!


Thanks goodness we didn’t have school the next day.

            Walking through the hallways while everyone and their mother knew that I had rejected Jace would’ve made me feel more horrible than I already felt. I know I did the right thing though. I can’t pretend to have a perfect relationship with the boy, that wouldn’t be fair to either of us.

            But we didn’t have school so I didn’t have to fret about the looks I’d get from people and you can’t forget about the questions. No, today I only have to worry about the boy’s final soccer game that I would finally be able to perform at with the rest of the dance team.

            I pulled on the gray sweats, tank top, and sweatshirt before climbing into my car to head to the field. Of course when I got there many people already were in the stands eager to watch this going-to-be exciting game. I went to the track where some members of the dance team were already stretching and threw my bag down on the ground.

            “Hey,” I said to them and they all nodded up at me. Sighing, I put my stuff down and started out onto the field where both teams were warming up before the big game. I watched as Jace took a shot on goal and missed by a few feet. That’s not like him at all. He turned around with a shrug to the others and his eyes met mine.

            They only connected for a second before I looked away in shame.

            I would be lying if I said that I didn’t have anything with Jace. I would be telling the truth if I said that I can't go out with him.

            As the clock went down and it was time to start the game, the captains—Dillon and Jace—went to the center of the field for the coin toss. After the National Anthem was sung, the game was off.

            Anyone could tell right off the bat that Jace was playing horribly. Passing to the other team, falling for the fake-outs, and shooting completely off. I glanced nervously up at the stand and saw his mother and Cara nervously talking to a man with a clipboard in hand and a scowl on his face.

            I can bet you anything that that is a college scout and he’s not liking what he sees.

            My parents were also up there but the scouts who were looking at all the players were down in front so no one was with them. My mother caught my eye and gave me a little wave which I acted like I hadn’t seen when I turned back around.

            Going back to the game, I noticed that the other team was getting many more shots on us than we were getting on them. None of them escaped our goalie.

            “What is Jace doing today?” Alyssa commented as she scooted up next to me. “He’s playing horribly.”

            “How would I know why he’s like this?” I muttered and it came out much more cold than I wanted it too.

            “Maybe because you’re the one who broke his heart yesterday?”

            It was a low blow but completely true. I’m the reason as to why Jace seemed so distracted while playing. I glared at my friend for only a slight second before turning back to the game, pulling my knees up to my chest.

            No one talked to me on the dance team, not even Chase. Obviously Jace had talked to him about helping him with the whole assembly stuff. Chase wanted me to be Jace’s girlfriend or he wouldn’t have helped.

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