25 - Breakdown

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If you made the cover on the side, please tell me because I lost your name and I want to dedicate this to you!

By the way, check out the song in the sidebar because it related to Peyton and Jace's situation :)


 PLEASE stop begging me to upload because it makes each chapter rushed and I end up writing instead of doing school work. I'm actually failing some classes already :( I'll upload, I promise! It just might be awhile because I'm busy with school, soccer, babysitting, AND keeping up relationship with friends/family.

Thanks SO much for reading, I promise I'll get to weekly uploads soon! :)


My hood was on and my ipod blasted into my ears as I walked the final stretch to school. While everyone was driving, I got up extra early to beat Jace from taking me. If I was going to do this then the last thing I needed was more moments with him or anyone for that matter.

            Today I wore the things that would make me blend in the most meaning some sweats, a dark blue sweatshirt, and some tennis shoes. My hair was in a ponytail and very little makeup was on my face. People were not on my agenda because I was going to do anything and everything to stay out of the spotlight of even one person.

            As I started becoming closer to the school where people would actually glance at me, I bit my lip and pulled my hood closer to my face. I’m done with ruining people’s lives from my stupidity so now I’m just secluding myself until I graduate and I can move far away.

            I think I’ll get a cat for company.

            Or six.

            As I made my way to the doors that led into the school, my eyes rested on Jace’s because he was staring right at me. Instead of pursuing me like I halfway expected, his eyes flitted over mine and continued walking. He didn’t recognize me…

            I breathed out a sigh of relief and went to my locker to pull out the books that I need for today. As soon as I pulled them out, a hand slammed on my locker and the loud clash of it being closed echoed through the hall. I gently pushed some of my red hair behind my ear and turned around to see the eager smirk of Kayla.

            “So, how horrible is your life now?” She cackled to me but I didn’t let it get to me this time.

            With all the strength I could muster up, I walked by her without saying a word and went to my next class. Oh, I wished I could turn around to see her face fall when I just did that. It would’ve been amazing to see because I’m done with her shit. Plain done with everyone that I once had contact with before. Now the only time I would actually willingly talk to someone is during dance because I made a commitment to the team.

            My first class went by slowly. I had a table all to myself while everyone space themselves around me but never near. It’s almost as if I had some severely contagious disease from all the solitude I was getting.

            But second period was different because I had everyone that I’d usually talk to in that class.

            I got in only a minute after the first bell rang so I was among the few people in the classroom. As more and more people started showing up, I kept my head in my notebook pretending to be studying my notes.

            “Can I sit here?”

            Before I even looked up, I knew whom the voice belonged to. Jace stared back at me and I just shrugged. He took that as a yes and sat down while I felt the stares of everyone on our backs.

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