09 - Hide and Seek

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Picture of Cara in the sidebar along with a dance!


“Miss Brandt? Are you even paying attention?”

            I sat up abruptly and stared at Mrs. Gallagher. Jace was silently laughing besides me and I knew that the laughing behind me was coming from my own brother.

            I gave my teacher a fake smile, “Sorry Mrs. Gallagher, I was just trying to do the problem you did a couple minutes ago… Would you please slow down?”

            My teacher smiled at my so called honesty, “Oh, yes Peyton. I’m sorry for going to fast.”

            I nodded and went back to practically sleeping on my desk. Jace nudged me and I sat up again with a huge, unattractive yawn.

            “Gosh, have some manners.”

            I spun around to see Kayla rolling her eyes at me. I scowled and turned back around to face the whiteboard. My arms crossed in front of my chest and I huffed angrily. Jace’s hand connected with mine—clearly visible I must say—and started rubbing circles in my hand. I sighed before smiling up at him as a thank you.

            Things were still awkward between us but I highly doubted that anyone noticed since we’re just that good of actors.

            Once class was over and a few hours later I had lunch. Today Jace and I were sitting with his friends and they were droning on about the big dance that was coming up.

            “Jace! Are you going to homecoming?” A guy named Peter asked.

            His eyes looked down at me then went back to Peter. “Yeah,” He shrugged as if it wasn’t a big deal. “I’m a senior, I want to go to as many school productions as possible.”

            “What a nerd,” Dillon walked up and punched Jace playfully in the arm.

            “So, are you going Dill or can you not get a date?” Jace teased while wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

            He waves his hand like he didn’t have a care in the world, “Come on, every girl is dying for me to ask them.”

            “When is homecoming?” Jace asked everyone.

            “A week from tomorrow,” Alyssa said after taking a sip from her milk that was issued in the school lunches.

            “Oh yeah… The game’s tomorrow and homecoming is always a week after.”

            Yes, the soccer game is tomorrow along with the huge party that Dill is hosting. Almost everyone in the junior and senior class will be at my house, ruining my things, eating my food… Keep in mind that I didn’t want this to happen.

            “And my party is tomorrow!” Dillon raised his arms above his head and hooted basically summing up everything that I just thought. His annoying friends cheered as well other than Jace who just rolled his eyes and stayed by me.

            “Damn, this is going to be so much fun! First we’ll win the game then we’ll get drunk at your house? I’m seriously going to get some ass tomorrow,” a jerk named Dirk chuckled and his hands behind his head.

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