Chapter 4 : Can I get a 'taking one for the team?'

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"Who does that guy think he is?!" Porter kicked a tree in frustration.

Right now, Porter and I are under a shady tree. We went there right after our little chat with Marvin.

"Porter calm down, it's not like I went off with him." I stated.

"Nerdy Marvin must have guts to say that in front of me. He should keep his hands off you." Porter raged. 

It was real sweet Porter is being all protective over me, but I hate it when he's angry or even hurt.

Porter continued his rage. "I mean come on! Does he not see I'm right there, and why is he-" I leaned in and kissed Porter on the lips, stopping him mid sentence.

Yes. I kissed Porter. 

For the first time. 

Our first kiss.

Can I get a 'taking one for the team?'

I didn't know what got the best of me, but seeing him angry and frustrated, I just couldn't handle seeing him like that any longer.

Porter was startled at first, his eyes widened at my action.  

I quickly pulled apart, madly blushing at my gesture. "I uh- sorry I did that out of nowhere-" I couldn't finish my sentence as Porter placed his hand on my face and leaned in.

He planted his lips on mine again, moving me closer towards him.

He kissed me back! 

My heart started to beat faster as I felt the warmth of his skin on me.

Our lips moved together in sync, like a beautiful harmony. I could feel his tongue teasingly press against mine, the deeper our kiss became. 

Porter's hands moved to my back, bringing me in closer so that my chest was pressed against his. 

I brought my hands around his neck, as he kissed me like there was no tomorrow.

His warm lips against mine felt so good, I suppressed a moan.

We broke apart, gasping for air. Porter leaned his head against mine, as we tried to regain ourselves. We gazed into each other's eyes in silence for a moment, until Porter spoke up.

"That was...awesome." Porter breathed out.

I just smiled, still huffing from the intense kiss we shared. I could feel butterflies roaming around my stomach from our exchange.

Porter leaned in again, as we were going to continue our kiss, but a loud bell erupted, making us quickly jump apart.

"It's the lunch bell." Porter stated.

"I'll wait here for you?" I asked, my voice a little shaky, as I tried to regain my cool. 

Porter nodded. He gave me a smile, and I waved.

As Porter flew towards the school, he stopped mid-way and turned around. He looked back at me and his eyes went directly to my lips again.  For the first time, I saw a bright blush creep up onto his cheeks as he tried to avert his eyes away from me. 

Porter shook his head, and flew away before smacking straight into a tree. I burst out in laughter as I saw him sheepishly scratch his head and act like that never happened. 

He got up again and placed his hands in his pockets, trying to gain back his cool.

When Porter was out of sight, I leaned against a tree and let out a breath of air I didn't know I've been holding.

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