Chapter 9 : Fell For A Bad Boy's Tricks

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Porter's kiss felt like flames burning my lips.

Just like that, all my fears, nervousness, and embarrassments all vanished by the feeling of his lips against mine.

I could feel Porter's tongue playfully against mine, sending shock waves through me. 

Porter and I are currently situated in an abandon hallway, making out.

Usually I would freak out and hyperventilate, but before I could protest, Porter pushed me up against a wall and started peppering me with kisses. 

It took me about three seconds to give up trying to resist him, and soon all my worries were lost in his kiss.

Porter trailed his hand around my chest, while we kissed. The feeling of his fingers on my skin sent a spark of electricity throughout my body.

We stopped short when we heard voices. Porter and I quickly jumped apart, breathing heavily.

"Someone's here." I whispered to Porter.

Porter nodded, and we went to take a look.

The last thing I'd want is someone finding us in the position we were in a couple seconds ago.

We found Travis's best friend, the one who was sitting with him at the casketeria plotting against Marvin, was now yelling towards...a wall.

"Again? This one better not throw up." Porter muttered from beside me, as we made our way to Marcus.

I lightly tapped on Marcus's shoulder, and Marcus quickly spun around to face me. 

He looked traumatized. His eyes were big and wide as he stared at me.

"What happened to you bro?" Porter asked, scratching his head. "You do realize you're talking to a wall, right?"

"I-I don't know what's happening to me. I-I try to say it but I c-can't. I'm going crazy man. I feel insane b-but I'm not insane. Am I? AM I GOING INSANE?" Marcus punched the wall, causing a dent.

"You're insane." Porter stated bluntly.

The bell rang, and Marcus suddenly stopped shaking in fear. He looked back at me and Porter then narrowed his eyes at us. 

"What are you guys staring at huh?" Marcus cowered over me before Porter pushed him off. 

"Touch her and I promise you'll regret it." Porter snapped.

"Hmph whatever. Just stop coming near me." Marcus shoved his hands in his pocket and continued walking down the hall.

"Well, that certainly was weird. He and Tiffany must be going through some tough times." I said.

Porter nodded. "Just try and stay away from those guys. Everyone seems to be acting weird today."

I kissed Porter on the cheek before giving him a reassuring smile. "I'll be fine. You should head off to class, I'll wait for you until lunch."

Porter nodded again, then flew off.


I sat at my favorite spot, under a shady tree, and started to blog.

Nothing is more joyful than sitting outside in the beautiful weather with my laptop and no one to bother me. I haven't updated my blogs in so long, this is the perfect time to finish them...

"Found you."

Why is it every time I start to type? Why?

I turned to the familiar voice, only to be greeted by the new Marvin.

Just. Three. Words. ( Porter x Spectra )Where stories live. Discover now