Chapter 7 : New Bad Boy In Town

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~The Next Day~

Spectra's POV

I don't think I could of take anymore of Clawdeen's questioning. Every time my ghoul friends mentioned Porter, that would set me off with blushes. They've been teasing me so much, but I managed to escape their questioning wrath, and headed off to Haunted High the very next day.

Currently, I'm seated under a shady tree with my laptop, ready to blog. I figured I would wait for Porter to come out of class.

"Hey, watcha' doing?" Porter flew up to me, and planted a small kiss on the side of my head.

I smiled. "Blog-ing and waiting for you." 

"I missed you."

"Porter, I was here yesterday."

Porter shrugged. "You can be away for 3 minutes, and I'd still miss you."

I blushed, and just continued to blog.

Not even a minute has passed before I stopped typing. It's hard to blog when someone is staring intensely at you.

I turned to look at Porter.

Porter continued to stare at me as if he were trying to solve a puzzle piece.

"Yes, Porter?" I asked.

"Nothing." Porter shrugged, but continued to stare at me.

"Uh, okay." I averted my eyes back on my laptop screen.

What's up with him today?

After a couple minutes of silence, and a couple minutes of Porter staring at me, Porter finally spoke.


"Yeah?" I replied, my eyes fixated on the screen.

"Never mind." 

I shook my head, and continued typing.



"Ah forget it."

I let out a huge sigh and shut my laptop. "Porter if you have something to say just spit it out already." I exclaimed, feeling impatient. 

Porter stayed silent, his eyes still lingering on me.

"Well? What is it?" I crossed my arms, waiting for him to speak.

"Do you...want to be my girlfriend?"

My jaw dropped.




I looked at Porter with wide eyes. "G-girlfriend?" 

Porter scratched the back of his head, his cheeks turning a light shade of red.

"I-I mean if you want, totally up to you. I-uh was just asking so uh you don't have to, it was just a question, and I-I uh you know-" Porter rambled on, feeling embarrassed by his words. 

My palms started to sweat, and my heart started beating so loud, I'd be surprised if Porter couldn't hear it.

I took a deep breath. "F-for real?" I asked nervously, cutting Porter's rambling off.

Porter looked me in the eyes with so much tension, I felt as if I was going to explode. "Spectra, I always liked you since the day I first saw you. I mean, you're beautiful, and hey you can call me selfish but I want you all to myself.  Every time I see Marvin around you, it makes me crazy. Not because I wanna punch him in the face, although I'd love to do that, but besides the point- "

Just. Three. Words. ( Porter x Spectra )Where stories live. Discover now