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I wake up to in the middle of the night, my eyes were puffy, my nose was blocked and my head was drastically heavier then usual.

Yesterday's unexpected antics had left me completely drained physically and most definitely emotionally.

My eyebrows had risen out of shock when the clock read 2 am, Is been asleep for hours!!

Flopping back down on the bed there was no way I was getting up, i had no desire to leave this bed not for anything or for anyone.

I rolled over to my side and stared blankly out the window, normally the stars in the sky would soothe me but not tonight. The darkness of the sky had only reminded me of Ivan's eyes and the cold crisp air resembled his heart.

Just as expected my thoughts were consumed by my so called mate, my sweet dreams had been replaced with pain filled nightmares and hurtful memories.

There really was no chance I could ever forgive Ivan for what he had said, there was no excuse for the the way he spoke to me.

I know going into the forbidden area was wrong, I'll admit it I went looking for answers but got a lot more then I bargained for. I broke his rules so I had to pay the price, even though it was unbearable it was was I needed to make my decision, to find out where I stand with Ivan and how really feels about me.

I hate him. I can't love a man that is so evil.

I'm going to leave this house and never come back, Ivan won't have to put up with me and I won't have to see him ever again.

All I needed now was a plan, Tasha and Nicole would have to help me, there is no way they will say no especially after what they witnessed.

My house would be an obvious place to go so I couldn't go back there, I was thinking somewhere out of sight and unpredictable like.......Rosalie, the witch I visited a few months back.

She would be perfect, we got on well together besides I've always wanted to live in the forest, something about being close to nature soothes me.

Turning back over to my back i let out a heavy sigh.

Facing towards the door I mentally debate whether I should get a drink or not. I had been out cold and there was a chance Ivan had returned last night. Do I take the risk and go out hoping that he's out or do I stay in here and dehydrate?

Dehydrate it is, there was no way I was going to put myself in that position. Ivan could still be in his evil dark mode and to be frank I don't think I could handle another one of his outbursts. Seeing him was an obstacle I wasn't planning on overcoming yet, my wounds were still fresh and emotions were all over the place.

I could unleash a wrath of anger and outrage or burst out in tears and cry like a little baby.

Pushing my face into the pillow I try my best to fall asleep only this time I hoped I didn't wake up.

---------next day

It had been two days since the argument. I've never slept so long in my life, I woke up occasionally to mope around and feel sorry for myself.

My stomach furiously growled as I threw the covers off of me. I can't remember the last time I ate.

Ivan hadn't returned and I was certain I was alone. The possibility of running into him was still there but my hunger was growing unbearable.

Slowly I stand to my feet, my knees buckle causing me to drop the floor.

Who would of thought spending two days straight in a bed could result in you forgetting how to walk!

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