Let me taste

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It had been a couple of weeks after I had returned back from spending the weekend with Ivan.I haven't been to a job, so I've been doing the normal chores in and around the mansion to keep my self occupied.

Word got around that Nicole and Colt were totally in love.She visited us like she said she would but would only stay for a little while being so keen to get back to lover boy.

I ran into Ivan all the time so I couldn't ignore him,nothing happened but he was being really nice to me which was strange and rare, however i was constantly asking him if I could go back to my mouse but he would always dismiss it.

Me and Tasha were feeling rebellious , so we decided to do something we would defiantly regret.We had planned to go back to my house for the weekend, it was Monday and we were going to leave late night on Friday.No one knew about it ,so we shouldn't get caught.

"Rogue, Ana wants to play with you today" Paris said whilst walking out the room.

"Ok" I call back. I've grown really close to Ana ,she's so playful and cute.Nothing like her jackass brother,well he was kinda cute not like a baby but cute like,STOP IT Rogue, I mentally scold myself.

She was waiting for me on the chair as she always does.


"Rolo!" she shouts as she runs towards me.I crouch down so she can get on my back , we wall around for a bit , making funny noises and telling jokes.

"So what do you wanna do?" I ask

"Errm,i wanna make a cake!" she excitedly shouts

"A cake?"


"Why?"i question

"Please!" she begs

"Fine" i sigh. Readjusting Ana on my back , i turn around to walk back to the kitchen.

When we both get there I put her down on the chair next to me,I give her a bowl and some of the ingredients and i repeat the same thing for myself.

"How is it every time i look after you , I end up in the kitchen making you food?" I ask Ana who's waving a spoon around.

"Because I'm a princess and I'm 6, I can't do it myself" she replies

We had added all the ingredients the only thing left was to put it in the oven and decorate it.I put it in and was about to start cleaning up.

"What are you doing here?" Ana asks

"What do you mean I've been here the whole time" I reply confused.

"I think she means me" a voice replies.I turn around and it's Ivan wearing a black track suit for a change.I wasn't surprised it was black but the fact he was wearing something other then a suit shocked me.

"Oh, but what are you doing in here?" I ask

"Oh sorry, I didn't know I had to ask for your permission to walk around my own house" he sarcastically replied whilst covering his mouth with his hand. I glare at him which makes him laugh

"Oooo so scary" he jokes whilst pretending to shake.

He sits on the stool near Ana. I continue to clean up, I can hear Ana laughing hysterically behind me.

"How come you always show up when I'm in here?" I ask

"Don't flatter yourself love, as surprising as it is , you actually know how to cook good food" he replies whilst shrugging his shoulders.

The cake had finished so I put it on the plate for Ana to decorate and cool down.Whilst I finished putting everything away.

I scooped different coloured icing into piping bags and set them out.I stood to the right of Ana and the left of Ivan.

"Show me" Ana asks  holding a smaller bag full of icing

"Like this,twist the top and move it around to make patterns or to write something"

She gets a little on her top , so I tell her to get an apron on.

"Where are they?" she asks

"Over there" I sat whilst drawing blue flowers using the icing with the piping bags.

"Where?" she repeats

"The draw" I angle my arm to the right,in my hand I carefully gripped the bag of icing.

Cake decorating wants my thing so I wasn't that surprised when I squeezed so hard the icing packaging popped, causing the delicious coloured decoration to cover the floor and splatter across Ivan's face.

My jaw dropped as I examined what I had just done, blue icing covered the left side of his face, it was in his ear as well as his hair. I couldn't help it i started to giggle, once Ana examined the damage done her quiet giggles turned into loud laughter.

"I'm sorry" I say whilst laughing.

He doesn't move from the spot as he stares blankly at the wall.

"Wipe it off....NOW" he calmly says, whilst looking at me.I grab a napkin ,using my let hand I grab his chin to stop his head from moving and use my right hand to wipe the icing off. He was still Looking at me, there was no expression but I knew he wasn't amused.

I never thought I would be that stupid ,but the next few minutes would prove me right.

Using my right finger I scraped the last bit of icing off his cheek and put it in my mouth. My eyes grew wide when I realised what I just did. A huge smile grew on on his face.

"Oh my god, I have no idea why I just did that" I quickly reply.What hell was I thinking, it was in the moment, I just wanted to taste it.God I hope he punches me in the face or I'll do it myself.

"That excited me more then it should of, I hope it tasted good because now it's my turn"

"But I don't have-" I began to argue.

A load of icing came flying towards me and hit me straight in the face.Before I could say anything ,Ivan's finger wiped across my cheek ,then into his mouth, mocking my previous actions.

As soon as he touched me,my breathing stopped. How does he have this effect on me?, Why am I so weak around him.I quickly snap out of it, annoyed by his pathetic behaviour.

"That was a bit childish, it was an accident and was that really necessary" I snap

"No" he says

"But this is" without another word his lips connected to mine, my brain was telling me to pull away ,but I couldn't,I didn't want to.

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