Where are you?

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This chapter is going to return back to Rogues POV!!

Rogue POV

Hushed whispers occupied my hearing, my body felt heavy and weak. I weakly open my eyes and the surroundings are unfamiliar, the whiteness of the room was harsh on my eyes, I lifted my arm in attempt to shield my eyes but was unsuccessful, the unnatural pain in my arms had caused me to shift in discomfort.

I lay there for a few seconds the previous traumatic events flooded my mind, the fear I felt, the pain I was in, it all hit me at once but my thoughts had drifted to Ivan. Was he alright? Where is he? Where am I?

Even the slightest movement would make me wince so sitting up was going to be a mission.Gently casting the blankets aside I sat up and ever so slowly swung my legs around. Using all my strength I push myself from the bed, suppressing a scream was harder then I thought. My steps were small and cautious, I didn't know how long I had been out and my wounds had not fully healed. The way In which my body was moving resembled a new born dear learning to walk the first time, there was just a little less of the prancing around.

After a few steps it started to get easier and my confidence had increased. Turning the door handle and pushing it open, I stepped into the other room.

"Rogue you're awake" Hunter had spoken.

"No you shouldn't be out of bed, you aren't fit enough to be walking around" Rose rushed to my side and draped a blanket over my shoulders.

"Don't baby her Rose" snapped Hunter

"She isn't fully recovered" replied Rose

"I'm aware of that Rose, but the poor girl isn't dying, if she wants to walk around then that's what she will do" sternly stated Hunter

"Thank you Rose" I say earning a soft smile from Rose.

"You need to eat you've lost a lot of weight and I suggest you shower and change" said Rose

All of that had went in one ear and out the other, none of that mattered right now.

"Where's Ivan?"

Hunter and Rose look at each other.

"Is he alright?....can I see him?"

"There won't be anymore talking until you've eaten and showered, that's final" Hunter said. Like father like son, that's exactly what Ivan would of said.

"Okay" I say In defeat

"The shower is in there to the left and I've set some clothes out is well"

After a quick nod of the head I turn and walk towards the shower. I had planned on making it quick but the soothing water had made it almost impossible. The expensive body wash had stung when it entered my cuts but it had rinsed the dry blood that remained on my skin.

Even though the shower was distracting it wasn't enough to pull my thoughts away from Ivan.

I get out and put on my bra and pants, the urge to look in the mirror was too strong. The sight of my reflection had taken me by surprise, I was thin and frail, the largest bruise I have ever seen covered my outer thigh. My eyes were swollen and bruised, a painful cut was on my bottom lip. I looked horrible and disgusting, my stomach was churning and the mess that was in front of me.

I grabbed the baggy tracksuit from the shelf and quickly slid it on. I scraped my head back and left the bathroom.

"Oh great you've finished, I've made you some food, I want you to eat it all" Rose had ushered me to a seat and the marble island in the kitchen, where I sat in the stool at the end.

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