No drama

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I can't believe I've just kissed Ivan, how could I be so stupid.But why did I enjoy it ,why didn't I push him away.I had so many questions, but one thing I was sure of was that it wasn't going to happen again.The last thing I need is to put myself in that position, Ivan is bad news he's dangerous and manipulative.

"What was that?" I ask

"A kiss dumbass, don't get used to it" he went and sat on the chair like nothing had happened. Dumbass real nice , this is all the motivation I need to stay away from him.

I go upstairs and get changed into some clothes. It was almost 2am and I was shattered.When I came back downstairs to go to sleep , Ivan was spread out on the chair with his eyes closed.

"Ivan" no answer

"Ivan!" I say louder

"Wake up!" Fine if he want to play this game. I go to the kitchen and get a cold bottle of water from the fridge. I come back to the chair, undo the bottle and hover it over his head.

"Don't you fucking dare" he says.He opens his eyes and gets up.He pushes me on the sofa causing the water to go everywhere, he laughs ,using his vampire speed he disappears up the stairs.

"I hate you!" I call after him.

"Get in line!" he returns.

I clean up the water then set the blankets out ready for bed. As soon as my head touches the pillow I'm out cold.

I wake up and check the time it was only 4 am , I had only been asleep for 2hrs. I was bursting for the toilet , the downstairs toilet was broken and the only other one was upstairs in the bathroom in my bedroom. I was very reluctant, I didn't exactly want to speak or be near Ivan, but wetting myself was not an option.

I quietly walk up the stairs and sneak into the bedroom. Ivan led on the bed under the covers. For a vampire that says sleep is useless he sure does sleep a lot.

I slide through the door and quickly walk into the bathroom.I lock the door just in case he wakes up, I pull down my trousers and sit on the toilet. I'm trying not make any noise.

"Rogue?" NO! I say to myself. Just stay in here he won't know you're in here if you just stay silent.

He starts to jiggle the door handle.

"Rogue?" I slowly get off the toilet and pull up my trousers.

"I know you're in there , I can hear you breathing" what? how is that even possible.

"Seriously.....whatever you better not be taking a shit" I couldn't help it a small laugh left my lips. I mentally curse myself. There's no point hiding it now, I flush the chain, wash and dry my hands and open up the door.

"What you think , I wouldn't hear you come in" he says whilst lying on my bed. I don't know why but I felt as if it was necessary to ignore him.I close the door to the bathroom and begin the walk out of the room.

"Rogue" he calls out

"I know you can hear me, why are you ignoring me?" he asks

I leave the room but before I leave the room he throws a pillow and hits me in the head.

"Oi bitch , I was talking to you" I pick up the pillow and turn round. Bitch! who does he think he is.

"Goodnight" I say , he lays back down in the bed facing the other way and I turn the light off.

Bitch , I'll show him. I creep up behind him and smack him with the pillow straight across the side of his face.

"Are you serious" he said in an irrational tone.

I hit him again and said "Bitch!". I threw the pillow back down on the bed and walked out I turned the light back on and left the door open to annoy him.

"Really , what are you 12!" he shouts from the room. I can hear the door slam.

"What are you 12!" I repeat in a child's voice.

I get back into bed and try to get comfortable ,I mutter his words to myself whilst I readjust the blankets.

"What are you 12 ...blah blah ..I think I'm better then everyone else...blah blah...i can hear you's my house and I'm sleeping on the couch!" I angrily mutter to myself.

I fall back asleep.

The sound of the tv woke me up.

"What the hell?" I say

"Oh look the sleeping troll has finally woken"

"I'm pretty sure it's sleeping beauty"

"Not in your case" he replies

"HA HA" I fake laugh.

"What time is it?" I question

"4 o'clock "

"4 o'clock !"

"Yeah!" he replies imitating my voice.

"Why didn't you wake me up?"

"Why would I , you're annoying when you're awake at least when you sleep it's the only peace and quiet I get around here" he replies

"You know where the door is " I snap

"And you know where my ass is , feel free to kiss it" he says whilst fake smiling.

"We are going to the club tonight"

"RED?" I ask

"No, just a club , Paris insisted we go and celebrate after last night"

The images of last night came flashing back, the arguing and then the kiss.


For the second time this week I was getting ready for the club. Since it wasn't for a job I didn't make as much effort. I put on a white low cut sweetheart neckline dress, with strapped white heels. I kept my hair down and kept the make up amount small.

Ivan was wearing a black top with jeans.

"Get in the car" I roll my eyes in annoyance at his lack of manners.

We arrive outside the club , it wasn't as big as club RED but the outside was full of people. I was about to open my door to get out when Ivan stopped me.

"What?" I ask

"To save a lot of drama , I suggest you stay away from the men tonight"

"What drama? this isn't a job"

"Just stay away from them, I don't care what else you do, but I don't want to fight tonight so just don't."

"Whatever" I'm having a good time tonight , with or without someone. I may only be 17 but I want to have fun.

We enter the club and it's filled with people, we head straight to bar where Paris, Colt ,Chris and Cyrus were waiting for us.

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