Needles and Threads

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William and Scarlett waited for a carriage to pass by so they could go to the tailor shop. They hoped that Jennifer would be there by the time they arrived. Even if she wasn't, they could manage to get some information out of the tailors who sewed the dress she is going to wear in the ceremony.  Time was running out way too fast, and everything seemed almost impossible, but there was no time to think about giving up, not when they got so close to her.
"It weirds me out the fact that Jennifer has a man working with her. She never had close bounds with anyone aside from our partnership bound. I do not recall for her to have a brother or a cousin as well."
"Buisness needs you to find everything you need in order for it to go smoothly. She might be really wealthy after stealing the riches of every man she has killed so far. She can pay off someone."
"That is true, although spending the rest of your money on a prestigious clothing boutique isn't quite the smart move."
"A woman does not care until it is about beautiful dresses. I can admit that fact myself."
-"Mhm I can see."-he looked at her torn apart dress questionably. It had tiny holes and scratches down the knees.
-"Okay this is not the dress to judge. We climbed a lot of stairs."
"I will buy you a new dress."
-"Okay do not throw death glares at me like that, I hired you for this mission, and I am responsible for all the things we need for it."
"My apologies, Trenor, I almost thought you were falling for me."
"I can assure you, I will not under any circumstances."
"I won't doubt that. You are an intelligent man, you say. If Clover won't make you fall for her kiss, then I can surely not make you fall for my love."
A carriage reached near the hotel, and they hoped in really fast.
"Take us to the Apsley Tailors."- William ordered, handing the golden coins to the boy riding the carriage.
"You are not from around here, aren't you?"-the little boy asked with a curious face.
"Is it that obvious?"
"No, not at first look."
"Then what made you ask?"-William asked. The carriage slowly started moving, and he fell back to his seat, trying to hold onto his hat.
"No one goes to Apsley Tailors anymore."
"Why not?"
"They are sort of forbidden to have new customers visiting them. They are known to sell only to well-known families or people that have history with them."
"You say, what kind of history I can have to be able to be a regular customer?"
"Kind of a deal. You offer them something they need, and in return, you get a beautiful gown or suit with yourself."
William and Scarlett both turned to each other at the same time.
"Bonheur does not sound like a well-known family."
-"Well that means that she offered to do something for them."
"What if they wanted a man to be dead?"
"I don't think Clover would reveal her identity just like that."
"Oh no, whoever buys at Apsley remains a secret forever!"-the young boy interrupted them. "I wouldn't want to trick you both into this, but I think I should let you somewhere else. They will not agree for you to go inside the shop."
"What if we can offer a deal?"
"You will have to make them listen."
The little boy picked up the reins. Only that movement gave a signal to the horse that his master was ready to go faster.
"Hiyaah!"-the boy yelled, and the carriage moved to the depths of the darkness.
The moon was shining the skies already, the street lamps were murky, and their thin light was trying to escape from the glass that was holding it as a prisoner.
The subtle flick of the reins by the driver disappeared into a trot. The streets were almost empty, with only a man or two who were sulking into their beverages and singing to their unclaimed love.

"Oh thy red lips
and thy lovely hips
yond shineth in thy eyes
enshielf in a disguise

Loveth me, ladybird
till the timeth strikes midnight
loveth me a moment
till the traveling lamp stops shining. "

"Poor men."- William sighed in sympathy.
"Why so? Not every man deserves to be loved."
"Not every woman deserves to be loved either, but here we are."
"By every woman you mean Clover only, right?"
"Yes I do, what about you, who do you mean by every man?"
"We do not talk about that."
"I see. Someone broke your heart a long time ago."
"Even if that ever happened, I do not wish to discuss it with you."
"Let's make a fair trade. This way, we prepare what we are going to say to the tailors.
"Fine, what do you offer?"
"I will tell you my heart-felt story about how my heart was rejected once, and you will agree to tell me yours."
"Oh wow, that is something you don't hear every day. Who refused the heart of the man the ton is all smitten for?"
"I am not going to say names or else you will find a way to always make fun of me."
"I mean, am I to blame? Men in love are such different types of creatures. It is rather funny to me."
"I think it is the perfect time for me to change my mind."
"As you wish, but you will not get to hear my side of the story."
"God, you are such a pain."
"Am I?"
The carriage stopped near the doors of the tailors.
"We are here!"-the boy turned to them.
"We will finish this story later!"
"Sure, we can also invite Clover to share her experience"- she smiled ironically.-"Now get out."
The carriage left as soon as their feet touched the rocky hard streets. They were both standing in front of the tailor shop now, one as not as ready as the other. William reached the door, and as he was opening it, the little bell hung up above the frame of the door, and he left out a tinkling sound.
"Welcome! Welcome! Welcome to Apsley's,
Where with a needle and a thread your costume makes itself!
Silk and linen fabrics with lots of feathers, flowers, and patterns!
Tulle dresses and fascinating suits, 
gift to Apsley's so they can gift to you!"-the chanting of a fairly short man welcomed them to the store. William and Scarlett tried to look around where he was and finally saw him standing on top of big wooden ladders holding himself to some mannequins that were dressed up with beautiful handmade costumes.
"Do you always sing to your customers?"
"Oh. You are not a regular customer, I see. Please leave our shop at this moment. We are not open. Have a great evening!"
"Hey there, little man, you just welcomed us, and now you are throwing us out like this? It's so rude of you to treat your customers like this!"
"Madam, I apologize. Maybe I wasn't clear enough with my words. GET OUT!"-he said with a hoarse voice. The little man saw that they refused to leave, and he got down from his ladders stomping towards them.
"Listen, I had a rough day today, and it would be good if I ended it peacefully, but you two are not letting me do so!"-he went pushing them.-" I had a lot of trouble with the lady who visited before you."
"Lady? Can you describe her to us?"
"Customer policy! We do not share their information with other people. Now please, leave! You two are heavy to push!"
-"Listen Sir.?"
"Lovely to meet you, Sir, Chiswik. We really need to know about this lady. You have to help us."
"Young man, I told you I can and will not."
"How about a trade? A deal between us."
"Who told you to use this trick?"-Chiswik looked at him strangely.
"That does not matter. Do we have your will for it?"
"I am just a normal tailor here, I do not discuss these matters, but let me send the word to the others."
Sir, Chiswik went through the doors at the end of the hall, and after a few seconds of talking, he came out and welcomed Scarlett and William to the room where he was standing.
"You two are a very good-looking couple, we will sew the best costumes for you if you can help us get what we need."
"Thank you, sir, but we need to know about the lady first, and we are just partners."
"Work partners."-Scarlett corrected.
"I already told you I can not tell much about her." Chiswik got his sewing tape that he was wearing as a scarf from his neck and used it to measure both Scarlett and William.
"You will have to tell us you understand, Sir?"-Scarlett made a stand to her words.
"Pretty lady, do not think that I am scared of your little threats. I am doing this only because I have not sewn an ivory tinted dress for a long while."
"What does that have to do with what we are talking about?"
"Ivory is a color that would look flattering on you and would make the color of your hair stand out more, too! Either way, as I was about to say, the lady who visited before you kept demanding that she did not place an order a week ago but we already sewed the dress and she has been a regular customer for 2 years and I thought we would solve this between us but she was too stubborn! It would be better if the man who usually picked up her dresses would come instead of her."
"It was her."- William turned to Scarlett.
"She said she was staying in London until the end of the month and she needed the dress for the Big Ben ceremony she was invited to. I have to say, I don't know why she did not accept the dress when lilac is most definitely her color."
-"Well we now know what to look for."
William and Scarlett were waiting for Chiswik to talk about the deal he wanted to make in order of what he was giving them. He kept looking at fabrics, trying to find the best ones for both of them. Apsley Tailors was definitely a really successful and good boutique. All the suits were perfectly sewed and combined with the best materials, colors, and details. The dresses were just delightful to watch and let alone to wear. The laces were done so perfectly, and the fabrics were layering on top of one another, showing simplicity and yet modesty.  William tried to find the perfect moment to ask him, but just about the time he was going to, Chiswik finally spoke.
"We used to have such lovely customers. They always shopped at us, and we made great deals with them. We even used the best fabrics for their costumes, and in return, we would get a decent payment. Although we do not like it when there are misunderstanding between us and the customers, we always managed to find a way to solve them."
"But? There is always a but isn't there?"-Scarlett asked impatiently.
"But when we tried to be cooperative, they did not offer the same thing for us, and now we need to get back what belongs to us. What legally belongs to us."
"Since it is a legal matter, why haven't you tried to consult this with the police forces?"
"It is a long way for that. We prefer short and efficient ways, and that is why you are the key two."
"We need you to elaborate more, sir."
"Hippodrome casino, a place where you can gamble away all your fortune and not remember a thing about it the next day."
"You made a deal with a casino?"
"We offered to sew them the best suits and dresses, and they offered to pay with diamonds. Diamonds are rare gems. Who would refuse them?"
"So what happened? Did they refuse to pay with diamonds and instead offered money?"
"Not only that, but it has been months that we haven't gotten our payment to a really expensive order. What we need you to do is quite simple. Are you two ready for it?"
William turned to Scarlett, nodding at her and waiting for a sign of her agreement. She then nodded, too. Unsure of what they both were agreeing to, they stood in front of Chiswik and made him understand that they were willing to accept the deal. Chiswik smiled with the fabric flowing on his hands.
"I need a needle and lots of thread."

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