A Title to Honor

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"Here."-she handed a newspaper to him.

It had been a few hours since they turned in Cambridge

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It had been a few hours since they turned in Cambridge. No one had come to the station just yet. Beddington happened to be ready to leave just about the time they arrived near the station. He was surprised to see the three of them standing together, walking towards him. William stopped in front of him, failing to hide the feeling of accomplishment and betrayal against the mission. Beddington decided to remain silent and discuss with him the case later after he rested. The officers took Jennifer to the cells as Beddington invited Scarlett to his office to discuss the case and the details of last midnight. The newspapers managed to write down every piece of information they had gathered and published the first copies around all England at early hours of morning. William hadn't left the office since then, and no one dared to come inside until Scarlett brought him the newspaper. To some, now William is a hero. To some others, he was terrible at his job, while to a few, he started being a suspect. The news about his own secretary, the woman he worked with for years, made the people question themselves. Either William was too fooled to understand, or he was the one to help Clover with her missions, and that is why it took him too long to solve the case. After the king's death, which was Clover's main achievement, people thought she decided to end her journey and give herself in. William did not care much about the other's opinion because firstly, they were not true, and secondly, they made absolutely no sense. But it seemed like he was the only one to think that way. After he finished reading the newspaper, Scarlett informed him that Beddington wanted to see him in his office. William reluctantly got up from his seat and walked out of his office. All the officers and detectives were praising him and applauding for him, but he did not seem to be interested in any of the things that they had prepared for him. He opened the door of Beddington's office and got himself in. He was already standing up waiting, and after William closed the door, he closed the curtains of the office's windows. "Good job, William. I can say this was worth the wait."-he congratulated him. He saw that William was not in a great mood and walked towards him. "Listen, son, this behavior will start discussions about you. I understand the betrayal that has happened to you, but you have to stay strong and honor your title." -"Thank you for all the understanding and the advice. Now go on, make your point. This is not the reason you invited me here." Beddington curled his lips and sighed. "I have raised you like my own child, and I know you better than anyone does." -"But?"-he looked at him, his eyebrows rising. "There is always a but sir." Beddington sat down on his chair, putting his head between his hands. "But it does surprise me as well as the others the fact that all this time, you never suspected a thing about her even though, she always was by your side. Well, until she did what she did." -"You say you know me well, but you seem to know nothing about me, sir. Do you actually think I would dishonor my father, you, and my title? After working so hard for it?" Beddington got up from his seat angrily. "Do not talk to me with this tone! What I am trying to say is that you are not as good as you think! You managed to get to the bottom of this case only after Miss Jones helped you with it. How come you never thought of the theory that she made? I will tell you why. Because your emotions blinded you!" -"Are you absolutely insane? You are suggesting that I have feelings towards my secretary? That is why I never dared to suspect her? You amaze me, sir. More than the people of the ton." William left the office slamming the door behind him. Scarlett tried to talk to him, but he chose to ignore her. Beddington came out of the office to order the others to head back to their work. "Miss. Jones."-he called for her. "Words have come to me that everyone has heard of your bravery and tactics. As hard as I find it to admit it, you have done better work than William has for the past 2 years. We want to repay you for your help in this case. Tell us the price." Scarlett smiled and bowed her head to him. "Well, Sir. Beddington. What people want, I should offer." He tried to understand the point she was making, but it seemed a bit hard to get at once. "Hand me the title of a detective." Her words shot like a bullet in his head.

William was ready to leave to his house, but an officer stopped him shortly. "Mr. Trenor. It is time for the interview. We got the questioning room ready. We need you to come so we can take the prisoner too." -"Can't we do this tomorrow?"-he asked annoyingly. "I'm afraid we can not. Tomorrow is the day of the execution." -"Tomorrow?"-he asked in a low tone. The officer nodded, explaining that it was a request from the royal family and almost all England. William walked with him to the cells. All of the others seemed to have fallen dead silent as they were focused on getting to see Jennifer from the cell she was locked in. William walked closely to her cell. She was sitting down on the floor with her head leaning against the wall. She was still wearing the same dress, but now the blood had dried, making the dress look less terrifying. Her hair was falling down, and she was sweating from fear. She was looking down on the floor when she saw William's shoes from the other side of the cell. When she leaned her head up, William saw her rose tinted face from all the crying. Her eyes were still watery, and more tears started to fall down. For once, he did not feel pity of her. He ordered the officer to open the cell and take her out and bring her to the questioning room. He was prepared for every situation aside from this day. He has to ask her about everything. Every plan of hers is in the most detailed form. Most importantly, about the huge number of deaths she caused last night. He had to do all that by looking at her directly in the eyes. As they were reaching the questioning room, all eyes turned to them, and everyone in the agency started whispering. William gave one look at them, enough for them to understand that he did not want to hear them talk any longer. He told the officer to stand outside the room so only him and Jennifer could get in. She sat down facing William from the other side of the table that was placed in the middle of the room. They both stood silent for a while. William held his head with his hand, moving the key of the handcuffs around with the other hand. "William..."-she tried to talk. He reached out his hand as a sign for her to stop talking. "I want to make a few things clear before I continue with the questioning, Miss. Bonheur, Jennifer, Clover, or whatever you want to be referred to as. I am Mr. Trenor to you from now on. You will answer shortly and firmly to each and every one of my questions. If you deny your actions, it will make it harder for both of us to get this thing to end." More tears rolled down from her eyes. She held her hands up to her cheeks to wipe them off, still wearing the handcuffs. "First of all. I am not interested in knowing why you did what you did. Criminals turn out to always be some psychopaths with a lame backstory that "forced" them to commit the crimes they are accused of." Jennifer tried to interrupt, but he continued. "Secondly. I will have to ask you three simple questions in which you will have to answer in any way. After that, I will give you the right to explain your actions even though I do not care to listen to your made-up excuses much." William waited for her to say something, but all he got was a hurt look from her eyes. "Well then, let us start." He got closer and leaned forward to the table. "Who did you have to help you?" -"I am not Clover!"-she yelled at him. "Yeah, and I am the next in line to be the king. Next question then. Why did you kill the king instead of me?" She looked at him, confused and shocked."What are you saying?" He sighed in frustration and scratched the back of his head. "Don't worry. I will repeat the questions to you as many times as needed until you answer all of them properly. Now, I'm moving on to the next and last question. Where have you hidden the bodies of your victims?" -"I can not believe you are doing this."-she said in pain. "Me neither! Now, let us restart. Who did you have to help you?" -"If you let me explain myself, you will get the answer of everything. Yes, I admit I had someone helping me but not to kill anyone because I am not Clover for God's sake!" She broke down in tears. "Since the very first day that I found out you were Clover, I have spend each day trying to find proof that those hypothesis were wrong but the only things I have found made me more sure that it was you behind all that. You can not understand how much you hurt me, Jenn. You broke my trust, stepped on my honor, and my title and in our partnership. Even last night I hoped that it wasn't you running in the stairs of The Clock Tower but all my hopes dropped to their lowest when I saw you standing there after committing one of the worst crimes in history. I can not believe how blind and foolish I was to not understand since the beginning. I have nothing left to do now. If I choose to protect you and help you get rid of what you admit to be false accusations, everyone will think I am the one helping you. I am sorry, but I choose to honor the title I am given and not step on it like you made me do for the past two years. Now please let's start from the beginning but now you will have to answer everything honestly." William stood up and walked around the table, getting some time to ask his questions again. He stared at the ceiling of the room as he got ready to ask her once more, "Who is the person that has been helping you with your criminal activities?" She looked at him, but all she could see now was nothing. He was standing in front of her without a single feeling aside from disgust. "You want to know the truth?"-she asked in tears. "I will tell you everything."

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