Call my name

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"The night I told you that I would go to the archives of London I had a letter arrive at my doorstep. Inside of it was an address written in a piece of paper. I assumed that someone must have wanted to meet me, so I decided to go there that night. I met a man who seemed to be in his early twenties. He told me that he wanted to reach you for the Clover case, but whenever he tried, you weren't available. I told him that you had already chosen someone for the case and now it was too late for him but he still insisted on talking to you about it. I didn't have a choice but let him tell me whatever he needed to me so I could inform you about it tomorrow. He told me about how Clover has killed one of his friends, and he knew where she could be headed to now. When he said that she would be headed to London, I decided to take him with me the next day. He visited my house the night I was about to leave. We both took the first train to London, and then we split up. He told me that it would be easier to look for her. I tried to contact you about it but there seemed to be no way of reaching you that moment so I decided to send you letters which seem to never have arrived to you. The man told me to go to this one hotel and book a room in it. I noticed that someone was following me, and I got afraid of that, so I kept changing places every single moment. The strange man later got us invitations to the ceremony ball because he thought that Clover would make an entrance there. During this time, I tried to go to the archives, but they kept telling me that they could not share certain information about people without me having permission from Sir Beddington. I tried to contact him, but he always refused my calls. I did not know what to do. I couldn't turn back here yet. I also had to visit a tailor shop. I do not really recall the name of it. The man told me to pick up our costumes for the ball from there. The dress I am wearing, it is by that tailor shop. I always had the feeling that someone was following me, but apparently, it has been you two all the time. Who would even think that." Slow clapping sounds filled the room. "Bravo! I must say, I am impressed. Now I am 100% sure that you are  Clover. You even thought of your excuse so well!"-Scarlett said ironically. "What are you doing here? I requested that no one disturb this session."- William asked Scarlett, who had entered the room quietly and had heard everything Jennifer had said to William. "Like you, I also have the right to be here. We completed this case together Trenor." -"I'm afraid that you aren't well informed. Only officers and high-ranking detectives can ask questions to the suspects." -"Yes, I am aware of that. That is why I am here." William gave her a confused look. "Why are you so surprised? Beddington asked me how I wanted to get paid. I requested for him to give me the title of a detective here, and he did."-she said proudly. "Do not worry, though! Unlike Miss Clover here, I did not wish to take your title." Jennifer looked at both of them in frustration. "William... I meant, Mr. Trenor. Please let me continue with my side of the story." Scarlett walked towards her with her hand crossed over. "I believe we heard enough. Nothing that you will have to say will prove your innocence after what you did last night." -"Scarlett. Leave the room."-he ordered her. "I won't!"-she insisted. "I deserve to be here." -"I am not trying to say that you don't, but I still have three questions to ask her. If you want to stay so bad, then remain silent until I'm done with my work." -"Why are you being so secretive?"-she demanded to know. "What in the world are you saying? Please end this so I can continue with my work." She turned to him with a doubtful look in her eyes. "What do you exactly need to know? I will give you the answer for everything." -"Is that so?"-he turned to her angrily. "Tell me then, with who was she working?" -"Chiswik."-she gave him a short and fast answer. "Why did she kill the king instead of me?" Scarlett stood silent, and William thought that was the moment he proved her she was wrong. -"Because, she was waiting for you to come, but the king showed up instead. To not get caught, she had no other choice but to kill him and the guards."-she finally spoke. William wasn't satisfied with her answers, but she knew she couldn't say anything to the last question, so he finally asked her. "For my last question. Where are the bodies hidden?" Scarlett's face changed into a wither expression. They both knew that whatever theory she tried to come up with wouldn't be the correct answer to his questions, so they both turned to Jennifer at the same time waiting for her answer instead. "Why are you two looking at me like that? I don't know either! Please, you have to believe me! At least let me explain myself!" They both looked at each other again as the officer opened the door. "Mr. Trenor, the time has come. We need to send her back to her cell." Jennifer shook her head in disbelief. "No! Please, William! You need to let me explain! I did not kill the king or anyone! That night, I saw her climbing the stairs of the tower, and the king went to do the same shortly after her!"-she tried to explain. The officer got her hands and tied them on her back as she was trying to get loose of him. "When I was climbing the stairs, I saw the guards dead! That is why I have blood in my dress! I tried to help them!" -"Get her inside the cell."-William ordered the officer, refusing to hear more. "I am telling the truth! She had killed the king when I arrived, and then she disappeared out of nowhere! Please believe my words!" The officer managed to get out of the room holding her arms tightly and pulling her out. After them, William left the room, too, and headed to his office. Scarlett tried to follow him to apologize for taking his time, but he locked the door as soon as he got in. He sat down, lighting a cigarette and breathing into its smoke heavily. Jennifer's words echoed on his head. He couldn't shake off the feeling that maybe, somehow, she was telling the truth, even if it wasn't the whole truth. How come he finally managed to get into her that easily? After all the stress she had put them through, this was her big plan? He threw the things off from his table and decided to rethink everything again. To bring every scene to life. If there was something missing or that did not make sense, he had to find out. He took a piece of paper and a feathery pen and tried to sketch down everything from memory.

 He took a piece of paper and a feathery pen and tried to sketch down everything from memory

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It was getting late, and he felt extremely tired. He saw from his office window that everyone was focused on their work, so now it would be the perfect time for him to leave without being noticed. He couldn't bear the thought of interacting with anyone at that moment. His mind was too full of uncanny thoughts that had been bothering him more than enough. He opened the door quietly and reached the doors of the agency. Something stopped him from moving. He felt a strange pain in his heart. His gut feeling was trying to tell him something. He had to turn back and talk to her once more, just so he could sleep peacefully that night. He rushed towards the cells and found her sitting on the same spot as she was sitting before. She saw him standing on the other side, but this time, she didn't try to move or speak. "I know you will keep giving me the same answers, so I figured out, I should ask you a different question. You say that there was a man who seemed to have manipulated you into this situation, correct? Describe the man to me."-he waited for an answer. She turned to the other side, facing the wall refusing to talk. "Jenn, I need you to tell me that if you want me to believe what you said earlier today." -"Don't you find it absurd and funny? I always answered whenever you called my name. I was always there for you whenever your mouth shouted my name. Jenn was always there to help with whatever she ordered you to do, but you found it so hard to hear me once, just once when I decided to call your name for help! Why should I talk now? Just so you manage to throw away the gut feeling that is erupting inside of you. Just so you can sleep peacefully after knowing whether I'm innocent or not?" -"I am doing this for your own good, Jenn." -"I know what you think of me, Mr. Trenor. No matter what I tell you to convince you and the others that I'm wrongly being accused of something I could never dare to do, you will always think of me as a criminal. I admit it. I felt horrible when you did not take me to the murder scenes. Yeah, I learned about every assumption that you have made about me, but let me tell you, no matter what happened, I never thought of seeking revenge over something this foolish. Tell me. Did you actually think that whenever you called my name, I would always come running? I decided to do something myself first to prove to you that I'm more capable than just filing down a bunch of useless papers! I went to London to help you get into her, not to do whatever you two think I would!"-she broke down crying once again, holding tightly onto the metallic long bars that were distancing them from each other. "I will never have to call for you again!"-he shouted angrily. William turned his head away. He couldn't bear the feeling of seeing her like that. He actually had no idea of what to think of her now. He kept getting more and more confused, so he decided to leave before things got even more messy. "The man in the tailor shop. He seemed to know the strange man who wanted to help me."-she said as he was going. Was she talking about Chiswik?

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