🏆 July [Result]: Scores

97 9 20

Here are the scores and reviews for all the stages

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Here are the scores and reviews for all the stages. Prior to that, do remember that everyone is talented in their own might, there is no such thing as best and worst – it's a variable perspective. You all did your best, and that's what matters the most. We hope you enjoyed this group challenge.


1. Team Curative Wordsmiths [AprilJester & LORAINEJD]

Stage 1 score: 31/35
Review for Stage 1: The concept! – it's enthralling and quite beautifully executed. The backstory of Seraphina and Armaros, their present bond; mischief included; the smooth flow of events, these all are intriguing to read about. Especially the concepts of soul domination/attachment and reincarnation enhance the enjoyment. Grammar and writing style is smooth, hooking, and clean. So is the pacing. However, this is more about the building up of the sequence towards one main upcoming event. There is only a glimpse of the prompt in the beginning, rest of the scenes are either of before or after. A few more scenes around the core prompt would have added to the overall quality.

Stage 2 score: 24/30
Review for Stage 2: Major points to the team for excellent theme and presentation. Graphics are well made, especially that the banner and the cover showcase the story so well. Fonts could have been better, something which stands out on the bright cover. Character aesthetic is absolutely admirable. As for the character sketch, it feels more like a detailed summary of the story, rather than a one-character personality sketch. Writers are often advised to spend some time in their characters' shoes before starting a story, and detail out their traits, physical features, likes-dislikes, beliefs, behavior, thought process, mechanism, stress points, etc. This ultimately gives the characters a realistic touch and makes them much relatable –easier to visualize. Score has been cut down for this very issue; the lack of character’s specifics. If it was a summary or logline pitch, this entry would have topped without a doubt.

Stage 3 score: 33.5/35
Review for Stage 3: Well-written, well executed story. It's a great deal to present a whole story within a specified word limit, but this team did well. The prompt usage is done smartly. Present day Seraphina meeting the past life Seraphina, it adds a layer to the plotline. With word count flexibility this story would've shine even brighter. There are some aspects that can be removed or wrapped in one or two lines, and the space could be used in later parts where Armaros left Seraphina. Using less space for not so important information, and rather giving it to potentially hooking scenes is yet another thing a writer must know and do wisely. Overall, the storyline has great worth, it was a well planned journey. Seraphina and Armaros’ story will surely leave a charm on any reader.

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