09. Between life and death

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Usually, when fighting one-on-one, with the giant wolf, YuXi can avoid the first round of the giant wolf's impact, with a feint, and a side dodge.

Under the impact of the formation, of three giant wolves, the one-on-one fighting beast fighting technique, became ineffective.

The three giant wolves were running, quickly forming an arrow-shaped hunting array.

The strongest giant wolf, in the middle, acting as a striker.

Two giant wolves, on the left and right, form the left and right wingers.


When the giant wolf shock array, was about to arrive, YuXi performed a feint to leap into the air.

At the same time, the machine helmet, and the upper mecha detached, separately and ejected into the air, in front.

Three giant wolves are deceived by feints.

They leap high in front, lunging at helmets and upper mechs, in the air.

YuXi accelerated instantly.

He followed the sprint inertia, his knees bent, and his body leaned back.

Thrillingly glide through the belly, of the giant wolf, in the middle, close to the ground.


The upper mech, grabs the helmet in the air, and quickly switches shapes.

It dodged the impact, of the giant wolf, and flew passed, between the two giant wolves.

As a weapon, the most vulnerable part, of the mecha, is not the metal structure, of the mecha, but the body, of the mecha division.

Compared to mechas, the human body is too fragile.

Once the mecha is out of the body, there are no restrictions.

Its speed, agility, and strength, have all been elevated to the level of a robot.

Therefore, the upper body mecha, without the limitations of the human body, can easily avoid the attack, of the giant wolf.


YuXi didn't wait for the glide to stop, then got up and accelerated to run.

While running, he jumped up again, towards the upper body of the exoskeleton, in the air.

The upper body of the exoskeleton, activates the suspension cushion, and accurately falls on YuXi's body.

YuXi re-dons his exoskeleton, in the air.

Grab the helmet, with his hand, and put it back on.

After landing, YuXi fled quickly, and in embarrassment.

He rushed towards a large tree, on the edge of the prairie area.


In the earthen wall stands, there were bursts of screams from the audience:

"How did he come up with a catapult helmet, and a half-mech?"

"When other mechists think about it, they don't dare to do it, right?

Without helmet and upper mecha protection, it's too dangerous. "

"Wow! Is this the legendary Aerial Armor?

The signature moves of the nine-dan professional mechmaster.

It is extremely difficult to train. "

"It's true that, this is the Aerial Armor, but this is an upgraded version, of the Aerial Armor.

The difficulty is higher, and it has surpassed the signature moves, of the nine-dan professional mechmaster. "

"There is also bullet time, yoga jiujitsu body method, which belongs to mecha body martial arts."

"Such an unexpected scene, of life and death beast fighting.

Is more exciting, than the beast fighting of a professional mechmaster."


Mecha martial arts, credits are:

arm control, leg and foot control, body control, wrist control, and finger control.

Human arms, are naturally flexible.

Mecha arms, are relatively easy to control.

Ordinary people, although unprofessional, can also master the basics of arm control.

Human feet are inherently inflexible.

Mecha legs and feet, are more difficult to control.

Those who have not practiced leg and foot martial arts, since childhood, the reaction speed of teleportation, is too slow, they can't dodge the impact of the genetic beast.

The torso of the human body, is inherently clumsy.

the mecha body control, is even more difficult.

Without the rapid change of the torso, humans become fixed targets, are easily killed by genetic beasts.


Mecha martial arts, must start with children, with some auxiliary training.

Otherwise, when grow up, the musculoskeletal will be stereotyped.

Human bodily functions, cannot be reversed.

Mecha leg and foot control, need to be trained from an early age:

Leg martial arts, Leg Sports, Leg Ball Technique, Leg Gymnastics...

Mecha body control, need to train from an early age:

Body Yoga, Body Jiu-Jitsu, Body Dance, Body Gymnastics, Body Acrobatics...

Mecha wrist control, need to train from an early age:

Wrist yoga, wrist acrobatics, wrist magic, wrist art, calligraphy, painting, sculpture, handicrafts...

Mecha finger control, needs to be trained from an early age:

Fingering yoga, fingering playing, fingering acrobatics, fingering magic...


Index of Facts:

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Index of Facts:

Catapult helmet, mecha out of body, reference: levitation ejection technology.

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