It's ok if you think I'm toxic

5 0 0

I kept it cold with him at first

Then I realised what for

Im pretty sure you've done it with a much older doppelganger

So I just observer her

Im not skinny anymore

But if I had been i think id honestly be dead

Running through the trees at 18 taught me that everything is fleeting

Even the love you feel for people

Am I loveless with unsendable notes

He was dangerous 

Fell on his height a bit

Made it seem like he was victim of horrible comments

Saying he was too scary to people

I knew he was a redflag

But I dived deep first into the chaos

It was fun at first

But the secrets that laid on my sheets

Would be covered up by makeup and bright neon clothes

I think the most worst thing about feeling euphoria is that people mistake it for psychosis

Maybe it is

But to me its the only quick way fix to my depression

Im always void 

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