4: The Last Show part 3

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The morning light filtered softly through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the room. Travis stirred first, blinking away the remnants of sleep, only to find Taylor wasn't beside him. His brow furrowed in confusion as he reached over to the empty spot she had been, the sheets still warm.

sitting up, he rubbed his eyes and listened. That's when he heard it—the faint clatter of pans and the sound of soft laughter coming from the kitchen. A slow smile tugged at his lips, and he slipped out of bed, quietly making his way down the hallway.

As he approached the kitchen, the smell of something sweet filled the air—cinnamon, sugar, and butter mingling together. When he peeked around the corner, the sight that greeted him made his heart skip a beat.

There was Taylor, standing at the counter, wearing his hoodie that hung loosely on her small frame, paired with leggings. Her hair was tied up in a messy bun, a few loose strands framing her face. She was carefully spreading icing over freshly baked cinnamon rolls, her expression soft and focused. Wyatt and Ellie were crowded around her, all wide-eyed with excitement as they watched her work.

Wyatt giggled, reaching out to swipe a finger through the icing, but Taylor caught her just in time, her playful laugh filling the room. "Not yet, kiddo!" You've got to wait until they're ready," she teased, her voice light and full of affection.

The scene was so simple, yet it filled Travis with a deep sense of contentment. He leaned against the doorway, watching for a moment, soaking it all in. There was something about seeing her like this—natural, at ease, surrounded by his family—that made him fall even harder for her.

As if sensing his presence, Taylor looked up and caught his eye, her lips curving into a warm smile. "Good morning, sleepyhead," she said softly, her eyes sparkling.

Travis pushed off the doorframe and walked over to her, slipping his arms around her waist from behind. He rested his chin on her shoulder, inhaling the sweet scent of her hair mixed with cinnamon rolls. "Good morning, beautiful," he murmured against her neck, pressing a soft kiss just below her ear.

She leaned back into him, her body melting against his as she sighed contentedly. "I was going to let you sleep in."

"And miss this?" he said, gesturing to the kids and the cinnamon rolls. "No way."

Ellie tugged at his pant leg, her big eyes full of mischief. "Uncle Travis,  Auntie Taylor is making cinnamon rolls! Can we have some now?"

Travis chuckled, releasing Taylor so he could crouch down next to Ellie. "What do you think, Auntie Taylor?" he teased, glancing up at Taylor with a grin. "Are they ready for a taste test?"

Taylor laughed softly, wiping her hands on a dish towel before handing over a roll to Ellie. "Go ahead, just one before breakfast. We don't want to spoil your appetite."

As the kids devoured their cinnamon rolls, Travis stood and pulled Taylor close again, his hand resting on her hips as she leaned against the counter. "I could get used to mornings like this," he said softly, his voice low and full of affection.

She tilted her head to look up at him, her eyes filled with warmth. "Me too."

They shared a quiet moment, just the two of them, the laughter of the kids filling the background, but in that instant, it felt like they were in their own little world. Travis leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to her lips, slow and sweet. Taylor's arms slid around his neck, holding him close as she returned the kiss, her heart fluttering at the feeling of being so completely wrapped up in him.

When they pulled apart, Travis rested his forehead against hers, his voice a soft whisper. "I love you."

"I love you more," she whispered back, her eyes closing as she savored the quiet intimacy of the moment.

Just then, Donna walked in, smiling at the sight of them. "You two better save some of that sweetness for the rest of us," she teased, making bot Travis and Taylor laugh.

Breakfast was a relaxed affair, the family gathering around the table, enjoying cinnamon rolls and scrambled eggs. Taylor fit so seamlessly with them, laughing at Jason's jokes, listening to Kylie's stories, and giving the kids her undivided attention. Every now and then, her hand would slip into Travis's under the table, their fingers intertwining in a quiet display of affection.

After breakfast, when the dishes were cleared and the kids ran off to play, Travis turned to Taylor with a soft smile. "How about we steal a few more minutes for ourselves?" he asked, his hand gently resting on the small of her back.

Taylor grinned, her heart swelling with love for him. "Lead the way."

They slipped away upstairs, back to the bedroom where the morning had started. Travis pulled her into his arms once they were inside, his lips finding hers in a kiss that was slower, deeper than before, as if time didn't matter and all that existed was the two of them.

As they pulled away, their foreheads rested against each other, both of them breathing softly in the quiet of the room. Taylor smiled up at him, her fingers tracing the line of his jaw. "This feels perfect."

"It is," he agreed, kissing her one last time before leading her to the bed. They both settled under the covers, wrapped in each other's warmth. The world outside didn't matter, not when they had this—just the two of them, in love, completely at peace.

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