Decorating (1)

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"Right, I've made a Pinterest board of EVERYTHING we need for the house." Marjorie excitedly exclaimed like an excitable puppy showing Reece her phone as they sat in the car park of a hardware shop. Reece smiled at her excitement and lowered her phone with his hand.

"Marjorie, calm down." He chuckled as he unclipped his seatbelt and ducked out of his side of the black Porche. He strolled up to Marjorie's side and opened her door causing her to look up from her plans again. He pinched the phone out of her hands and slid it into the back pocket of his jeans.

"Right, come on gorgeous." Reece rolled his eyes as he offered her hand to assist her out of the car. They walked into the large store together, Marjorie, still way too excited to start decorating. Reece loved how Marjorie would get so excited about things like this. The two of them strolled hand in hand to the paint isle.

"Oh yeah my love." Marjorie looked up to Reece who was perusing the thousands of cans of paint. "Remember Winter and Autumn invited us over later tonight. We haven't seen them in a while as she's been off sick recently." Reece looked down confused at Marjorie

"I noticed that." Reece raised his eyebrows and continued to look for a shade of grey before sliding one towards him and placing it in the shopping trolly.

"Did you even ask if she was okay?" Marjorie rolled her eyes predicting the answer.

"Nope. Is this shade good, gorgeous?" He pointed at the paint can in the cart as Marjorie playfully rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, that's perfect." Marjorie took the handles of the shopping cart, and they carried on down the aisle "You know if you want to get even closer with her, you'll have to talk to her more."

"Yes, yes I know" Reece wrapped his arm around Marjorie's. "It's just weird." 

"Reeece." Marjorie said sternly but lovingly. "My love, it's not weird your siblings you need to talk about your feelings weather that's if you're feeling sick mentally or illness wise." They stopped the trolley and picked up a teal and gold wallpaper for the living room, chucking it in the cart.

"Yeah, I know gorgeous." He pulled her in for a hug, admiring how much she cared and worried about him.

"Right next we need..." Marjorie looked at the long list in her hands "a mirror for the bathroom." She looked up to Reece.

"You get that gorgeous, I'm going to have a look at the tools real quick I'll be back." Marjorie nodded and left with the shopping cart looking up and down the aisles for the mirror. The mirror was large with a gold frame that had intricate patterns she loved it.

Meanwhile Reece picked up a pack of paintbrushes and placed them under his arm before moving onto a box of screws. He turned them over to have a look at the back before he was interrupted.

"Hello Reece." Reece's head shot up recognizing the voice behind him. He slowly turned round and rolled his eyes looking down at the stubborn man standing upon him.

"Father." Reece grunted through gritted teeth.

"I heard you moved house. AND you got engaged..." Roger paused rolling his eyes. "To Marjorie." 

"Wait- Wha- how did you find out about that?" Reece's face grew with confusion as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"I've got my ways." Roger raised his eyebrows smugly "Marjorie out of all people. Jani-"

Before Roger could finish saying his sentence Reece interrupted:

"If you dare to say that woman's name." Reece's shoulders tensed and he pierced his lips together looking his father up and down.

"Janice." Roger finished smirking,

Reece clenched his fists as a wave of anger crossed his face using all his restraints to keep himself from punching his father in the nose. Reece barged past Roger slightly knocking him to the side. Reece desperately tried to find Marjorie walking up and down the previous aisles until he found her. Marjorie could see the look of alarm on his face.

"You alright my love? You look like you saw a ghost." Marjorie's face grew with concern until the devil himself slowly emerged behind Reece. Marjorie rolled her eyes. "Roger." Marjorie's tone changed as Reece stepped over to Marjorie's side.

 "Nice to see you Marjorie, congrats on the..." Roger rolled his eyes once again and snarled "engagement."

"Thank you." Marjorie raised her eyebrows and clenched her lips together into a fake smile. She took Reece's hand and started softly stoking it with her thumb to soothe him.

"Seems like you still can't stand up for yourself. Disappointing again." Roger growled, smirking slightly at the obviously uncomfortable Reece.

"I don't know whether the hit to your head at the board meeting jolted your memory. But I sure can do that again, I was just warming up." Reece spoke up taking Roger aback.

"I'd like to see you try. You barely touched me at that meeting." Roger's mouth twitched into a half smile. Marjorie managed to slightly stifle a laugh trying to get the picture of Roger rushing out of the room clutching his face with blood dripping down his nose this made Roger dart his head towards her.

"What's so funny, Woman." Roger's words slid off of his tounge like a sharp stab. After hearing this Reece had enough of his father. He clenched his fist and recoiled it. He was just about to swing before Marjorie took his fist and slowly shook her head smiling supportively at him. By this point Roger had weaseled out somewhere, making his escape. 

"You should of let me have that hit." Reece quietly mumbled the rage still flowing through his veins. Marjorie placed one of her hands on his cheek.

"I know my love. Not in a public space. Also, you can't let into the anger, that shows he's won and he's just going to carry on tormenting you until you snap for good and then who knows what might happen." She brushed th stray hairs out of his face and back into his neat, short mullet. He nodded slowly and looked down at the almost full cart.

"Sorry." He mumbled.

"Stop apologizing my love, it's not your fault." She took his hand, and they wheeled the trolley up to the checkout.

"I'm presuming I'm paying for all of this?" Reece chuckled, already taking out his bank card and tapping it on the card reader.

"Yep!" Marjorie smiled placing a hand on Reece's back slowly rubbing it, she could tell her was still worried and angered from his father even to his best efforts to hide it.

The two of them got into Reece's black Porche and drove off. Marjorie held Reece's hand whenever she could the whole journey home to show that he wasn't alone, and she'd always be there for him. 

Love at Last - A Marjoreece storyWhere stories live. Discover now