The Honeymoon (1)

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A/N- No smut in this chapter for today sorry - @fletchsketch 😔 (There may be a chance of it tomorow) This chapter really is making me miss summer rn. Enjoy!! ~Phoebe <3

As the airplane's wheels touched down on the sun-kissed tarmac, the newly married couple exchanged excited glances, standing up and collecting their luggage from the overhead bins. Their hearts racing with excitement for their honeymoon. Stepping off the plane, they were greeted by the warm wall of Mediterranean heat. With each step towards the terminal, the distant sounds of large planes taking off and landing surrounded them. Their honeymoon was going to be promising, full of adventure and romance. Hand in hand, they navigated through the bustling airport, their laughter mingling with the joyful chatter of fellow travelers, eager to begin their much-needed holiday away to Santorini Greece.

Marjorie had been dropping signs and hints of wanting to visit this tropical paradise to Reece since they got together, ages ago. With their bags dragging behind, Reece and Marjorie stepped outside of the airport, where the sun coated everything in a warm, yellow glow. Reece held Marjorie's hand with a squeeze as he scouted the area for an available taxi. As he spotted a little taxi, he ushered Marjorie towards it, opening the back door of the grey car for her. The tanned taxi driver stepped out of the driver's side to help Reece haul the heavy suitcases into the boot of the car.

As Marjorie and Reece settled into the back seat of the taxi, they exchanged warm, loving smiles, Marjorie scrunching her nose. The driver, a friendly local with a lot of knowledge about the area, began sharing tales of the island's hidden gems and must-see spots, his animated gestures adding to the vibrant atmosphere. With the windows rolled down, the salty, humid breeze tousled Marjorie's hair, as Reece held her hand occasionally squeezing it. The car passed Multiple whitewashed, concrete buildings with colorful roofs and window frames. They couldn't help but steal glances at each other as the car smoothly drove on a wide motorway, their eyes sparkling with joy. Marjorie gently rested her head on Reece's shoulder still smiling and holding Reece's hand, trying to get as close to him as possible. 

As they arrived at the all-inclusive resort, Marjorie and Reece were greeted by a stunning view that took their breath away. The expansive grounds were littered with lush greenery, vibrant exotic flowers, and the serene sound of waves lapping against the shore, directly opposite the hotel. The warm sun kissed their skin as they stepped out of the taxi, thanking the friendly driver and tipping him. They were welcomed by the friendly staff, who welcomed them with wide, warm smiles, making them feel right at home. Hand in hand, they walked towards the lobby, and checked in. Marjorie gasped when she heard the receptionist say:

"A golf cart will transport you to your villa shortly." Marjorie turned to Reece raising her eyebrows and widening her eyes, Reece glanced at his exited love, smirking at her. The two of them walked back outside through the glass double doors to find a white golf cart awaiting them.

As Marjorie and Reece climbed into the golf cart, they couldn't help but giggle at the unusual mode of transport. The driver, a cheerful employee, navigated the winding paths of the resort, pointing out various amenities and hidden spots along the way. The gentle breeze brushed against their faces as the cart brushed past deep green bushes with vibrant hibiscus flowers in. Reece placed a gentle hand on Marjorie's thigh, skimming it with his thumb. Finally, as they approached their villa, the cart came to a stop, revealing a small terracotta villa. Marjorie eagerly hopped out, ready to explore their new home for the week as Reece logged the luggage off the top of the cart and thanked the driver.

Marjorie stood on the short gravel path that led to the front door, admiring the tropical landscape. Reece stepped next to her, wrapping his outside arm round her pulling her closer into his side.

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